ICSE 2026
Sun 12 - Sat 18 April 2026

ICSE is the premier academic conference on Software Engineering and is attended by approximately 2,000 attendees yearly. These include many students and an increasing number of industry practitioners. ICSE attracts the very best emerging research in Software Engineering and provides a multifaceted showcase.

What’s in it for you?

  • ICSE attracts the “best of the best” in software engineering
  • Networking opportunities
  • Industry collaboration
  • Be up to date with the latest research and findings
  • Opportunity to recruit soon-to-be graduating top software engineering students

Sponsorship packages available for ICSE 2026

The prices below are in effect if funds are received or a binding contract is signed by 1 November 2026 (so we can use the funds to help defray registration fees. Prices 25% higher for later sponsorships.

Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
U$ 20K
(R$ 100K for Brazilian Companies only)
U$ 15K
(R$ 75K for Brazilian Companies only)
U$ 10K
(R$ 50K for Brazilian Companies only)
U$ 7K
(R$ 35K for Brazilian Companies only)
U$ 3K
(R$ 15K for Brazilian Companies only)
Company logo on website, program, publicity materials, speaker transitions Large Large Medium Small Small
Complimentary conference registration passes 6 4 3 2 1
Materials included in registration packet / conference bag Yes; we can reproduce Yes; we can reproduce Yes; please provide Yes; please provide No unless you have volunteers who can stuff envelopes before the conference
Exhibition booth on site Yes; we can create a large banner Yes; we can create a small banner Yes; must provide own banner Yes; must provide own banner Only for local non-profit membership societies and academic publishers. You must provide your own signs.
Naming of a social event Yes, and opportunity to talk for 2-3 minutes Yes No No No
Keynote sponsorship Yes No No No No
Earmark sponsorship If you are interested in sponsoring specific causes (e.g., funding for students, diversity and inclusion, underrepresented countries, etc.) please contact us and we will be happy to discuss.
Colocated event sponsorship It is also possible to sponsor particular co-located conferences or workshops. See the 'Tracks' menu above for these, and reach out to their organizers, who will in turn contact the ICSE-2026 general and finance chairs, once they have negotiated sponsorship arrangements with you. For smaller sponsorships one option is for you to directly pay certain bills of these events (e.g. the restaurant bill for a social event, or travel expenses for a speaker). Co-located events will offer their sponsors publicity and perhaps free entry for at least one person to their event.

Contact Details

Please email one of the general chairs with an offer to sponsor the conference

Marcos Kalinowski kalinowski@inf.puc-rio.br

Rafael Prikladnicki rafael.prikladnicki@pucrs.br