Tue 18 - Wed 19 May 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Cristian Camilo Castellanos Rodriguez

Registered user since Sun 31 May 2020

Name:Cristian Camilo Castellanos Rodriguez

I am a Colombian software engineer with fourteen years of experience in software development and architecture, and passionate about big data analytics. I hold a bachelor’s degree in system engineering from Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander (2004) and postgraduate’s degree in Informatics project management from Universidad de Pamplona (2008), Colombia. I achieved a Cum Laude degree in my master at Universidad de Los Andes, with a thesis focused on enterprise architecture alignment between business process and information domain applying DSL, MDE and ontology alignment techniques. Meanwhile, I was a software architect at ICFES, a government Institution in charge of the national education assessment. At ICFES, I worked in IT projects related to national test enrollment, appointment and score publication. Additionally, I have taught in undergraduate courses of database foundations and design at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. In 2016, I started my Ph.D. at Universidad de Los Andes, and my research deals with how to facilitate the adoption of big data analytics solutions. My motivation emerged from the real-life enterprise challenges adopting and deploying such applications. In addition, I worked at Alianza Caoba, which is a public-private initiative to gather Colombian government, industry and scholar community around applied research on big data analytics. In 2018, I was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to continue my research through an internship at the Worldwide Computing Laboratory of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute RPI, Troy NY. Currently, I am working as a teacher at Universidad de Los Andes.

Affiliation:Universidad de los Andes , Bogotá, Colombia
Research interests:Software Architecture, Solution Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, Big Data Analytics


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