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ISMM 2017
Sun 18 Jun 2017 Barcelona, Spain
co-located with PLDI 2017
Carlos Baquero

Registered user since Mon 20 Feb 2017

Name:Carlos Baquero

My research interests cover data management in eventual consistent settings, distributed data aggregation and causality tracking. In the last years I have collaborated with my co-authors in the development of data summary mechanisms such as Scalable Bloom Filters, causality tracking for dynamic settings with Interval Tree Clocks and Dotted Version Vectors and in predictable eventual consistency with Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types. My recent work has been applied in the Riak distributed database and in Akka distributed data, and is running in production systems serving millions of users worldwide.

Affiliation:HASLab/INESC TEC & University of Minho
Research interests:Eventual Consistency, Distributed Aggregation, Causality Tracking.


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