Research Papers
Memento Mori: Dynamic Allocation-Site-Based Optimizations
Daniel Clifford, Hannes Payer, Michael Stanton, Ben L. Titzer

Reducing Pause Times With Clustered Collection
Cody Cutler, Robert Morris

SuperMalloc: A Super Fast Multithreaded malloc() for 64-bit Machines
Bradley Kuszmaul

Safe and Efficient Hybrid Memory Management for Java
Codrut Stancu, Christian Wimmer, Stefan Brunthaler, Per Larsen, Michael Franz

Concurrent Compaction using a Field Pinning Protocol
Erik Österlund, Welf Löwe

Tolerating Holes in Wearable Memories
Karin Strauss

Don't race the memory bus: Taming the GC leadfoot
Ahmed Hussein, Tony Hosking, Mathias Payer, Christopher A. Vick

The Judgment of Forseti: Economic Utility for Dynamic Heap Sizing of Multiple Runtimes
Callum Cameron, Jeremy Singer, David Vengerov

Controlling Physical Memory Fragmentation in Mobile Systems
Sang-Hoon Kim, Sejun Kwon, Jin-Soo Kim, Jinkyu Jeong
Recycling Trash in Cache
Jonathan Shidal, Ari J. Spilo, Paul T. Scheid, Ron K. Cytron, Krishna M. Kavi

Stop and Go: Understanding Yieldpoint Behavior
Yi Lin, Kunshan Wang, Steve Blackburn, Tony Hosking, Michael Norrish

A Partial Read Barrier for Efficient Support of Live Object-oriented Programming
Eliot Miranda, Clément Béra

Data Structure Aware Garbage Collector
Nachshon Cohen, Erez Petrank
ISMM 2015—Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management