Registered user since Mon 22 Apr 2019
Name:Facundo Molina
I am a CONICET funded PhD student at the Software Engineering and Formal Methods group, at the University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina, working under the supervision of Professor Nazareno Aguirre.
My main research topic is the application of Machine Learning techniques to Program Analysis tasks. Specifically, i research how to automatically produce formal software specifications. My research involves using a variety of techniques, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in particular.
Affiliation:University of Rio Cuarto and CONICET, Argentina
Personal website: https://facumolina.github.io/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/molinaf17
GitHub: https://github.com/facumolina
Research interests:Program Analysis, Machine Learning for Software Engineering, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms
ICSE 2021-profile
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