Registered user since Mon 1 Jan 2018
Tao Yue has received the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada in 2010. Before that, she was an aviation engineer and system engineer for seven years. She has nearly 20 years of experience of conducting industry-oriented research with a focus on Model-Based Engineering (MBE) in various application domains such as Avionics, Maritime and Energy, Communications, Automated Industry, and Healthcare in several countries including Canada, Norway, and China. Her present research area is software engineering, with specific interests in Requirements Engineering, MBE, Model-based Testing, Uncertainty-wise Testing, Uncertainty Modeling, Search-based Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, and Product Line Engineering, with a particular focus on large-scale software systems such as Cyber-Physical Systems. Dr. Yue is on the steering committee of MODELS 2018 and serves as a PC co-chair of MODELS 2019, and has been on the program and organization committees of several international conferences (e.g., MODELS, RE, SPLC). She is also on the editorial board of Empirical Software Engineering. Dr. Yue is leading the standardization effort of Uncertainty Modeling at OMG and also actively participating in defining international standards in Object Management Group (OMG) such as SysML and UTP.
- Doctorial Symposium Chairs in Organizing Committee
- Committee Member in PC - Foundations Track within the Technical Papers-track
- PC Member in Program Committee within the Tools & Demonstrations-track
- Restricted Natural Language and Model-based Adaptive Test Generation for Autonomous Driving
- Committee Member in Steering Committee
- Session Chair of Certification and Assurance I (part of Technical Papers)
- Chair in Chairs within the Doctoral Symposium-track
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