Registered user since Thu 25 Aug 2016
Ana Moreira is a Full Professor at the Computer Science Department of FCT NOVA, a member of the Steering Committee of NOVA LINCS research laboratory, and leader of the software engineering group. She specialises in requirements engineering, human factors, model-driven engineering, and sustainability engineering. Her research focuses on systematic approaches to software engineering, with an emphasis on ensuring that stakeholder requirements, human values, and quality attributes are accurately captured, specified, and integrated into sustainable solutions. She has successfully coordinated several research projects, supervised seven PhD students, co-supervised two from Brazil, advised nine postdoctoral researchers, and over 60 MSc students. She is a co-founder of the international movements pUML and Early Aspects, which focus on advancing modelling techniques and early-phase requirements engineering. Ana is an active contributor to the field, serving as a member, or chair, of the SC for the international conferences, including UML/MODELS, RE, REFSQ, AOSD/Modularity, CC for UML 2004, and GC for RE 2017, and PCC for AOSD 2009, MODELS 2013, SAC-RE 2020, ICT4S 2020, ISD 2021 Track Chair, RE 2021, and REFSQ 2024. She is a PC or PB member of numerous international conferences (e.g., ICSE, MODELS, RE, CAiSE), co-organised various international workshops, and co-founded the international movements pUML and Early Aspects. She is serving on the Council Board of IREB (International Requirements Engineering Board) and editorial boards of leading journals (e.g., TSE, RE, SoSyM). Her work has been recognised with several Best Paper Awards and two 10-Year Most Influential Paper Awards.