Sun 5 - Fri 10 October 2025 Michigan, United States
Davide Di Ruscio

Registered user since Mon 5 Jan 2015

Name:Davide Di Ruscio

Davide Di Ruscio is a Full Professor at the DISIM department of the University of L’Aquila. His primary research interests revolve around Software Engineering and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). He focuses on diverse aspects within these fields, such as defining domain-specific modeling languages, model evolution, developing software systems using low-code techniques, and employing machine learning techniques to build recommendation systems in software engineering.

Davide has held various management positions and served on editorial committees for internationally renowned journals in the fields of Model-Driven Engineering and Software Engineering. He has also actively participated in program committees for workshops and conferences. As a reviewer, he has contributed to esteemed journals such as IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, Software and Systems Modeling, and Journal of Systems and Software.

Affiliation:University of L'Aquila
Research interests:Model Driven Engineering, Model evolution, Open Source Software, Recommender Systems


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