Mutation 2020
Sat 24 Oct 2020 Porto, Portugal
co-located with ICST 2020
Luca Ardito

Registered user since Tue 30 Jun 2020

Name:Luca Ardito

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering of Politecnico di Torino, where I work in the Software Engineering research group headed by Prof. Maurizio Morisio.

I received B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Torino.

My current research interests are mobile development and testing, green software, new programming language analysis, and empirical software engineering methodologies.

I am an associate editor of IEEE Access since November 2019, and I am the Young Professional representative for the IEEE Italy section since February 2020.

My updated publication list is available here

Affiliation:Politecnico di Torino
Research interests:Mobile Development, GUI Testing, Energy Awareness, Green Software


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