Satnam Singh

Registered user since Fri 5 Jan 2018

Name:Satnam Singh

Satnam Singh is currently working at Groq on applying functional programming to the design and implementation of machine learning chips. At Google he worked on formally verified hardware for security and privacy. He has previous form in the areas of functional programming, domain-specific languages, compilers, custom hardware acceleration with FPGAs and ASICs, concurrency and parallelism, formal verification, configuration management, distributed systems, container orchestration, cloud computing and low level Android performance optimization. Ex-academic with experience of paper writing and obtaining research grants and a love of teaching. Professional duties include former ACM SIGPLAN executive committee member, IFIP WG2.8 and IFIP WG2.11 member and much experience of PCs and government grant award committees.

Country:United States
Research interests:Functional programming, hardware design, formal verification, cloud computing


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