OSS 2019
Sun 26 - Mon 27 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019
Vaibhav Saini

Registered user since Wed 25 Jul 2018

Name:Vaibhav Saini

My area of research has been in the field of Software Engineering with an emphasis on creating tools and knowledge for software engineers and researchers. I use information retrieval, statistical, and machine learning techniques to analyze software systems. I have developed state of the art source code clone detectors, namely Oreo, SourcererCC, and SourcererCC-I. I have also developed InspectorClone, a semi automatic tool to facilitate precision studies for source code clone detectors.

Apart from designing and developing tools and techniques, I also conduct large scale empirical studies to figure our answers to some of the very interesting questions related to software

Currently, I am working at Microsoft in Tools for Software Engineers team.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Microsoft, USA
Research interests:Software Clones, Empirical Studies, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Software Tools


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