Registered user since Thu 24 Nov 2016
I am an assistant professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, integrated in the Research Center in Real-Time & Embedded Computing Systems (CISTER), investigating mainly coordination aspects and formal methods in the context of Cyber-Physical Systems. I am actively involved in a H2020 project and in an FCT project, and lead one that finished recently. He currently belongs to the steering committee of 2 international conferences in fundamental computer science, he chaired the program committee of 5 international research venues with edited proceedings, edited 2 journal volumes, and was the member of 16 program-committees of international venues.
My work is mainly on coordination of distributed components, on formal analysis of real-time systems, and on formal approaches to software product line engineering. Before joining ISEP I graduated in University of Minho, Portugal (2005), defended my PhD in Leiden University for my work in CWI, Amsterdam (2011), worked as a postdoc in KU Leuven (until 2015), then in INESC TEC at the U.Minho (until 2019).
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