Registered user since Thu 28 Apr 2016
I’m associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications. Before (2015-2019) I was postdoctoral fellow in the SOM Research Lab at IN3 UOC, in Barcelona, Spain. From 2011 to 2015, I was part of Inria as postdoctoral researcher in the AtlanMod team (now NaoMod, at the Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France). I got my PhD in June 2011 in the Modelum research team, in Murcia, Spain. My advisor was Jesus Garcia Molina and I defined domain-specific languages to obtain models from several technical spaces.
My main research work falls into the areas of software engineering, web engineering and socio-technical analysis of software systems. In particular, my research has been focused on the study of new languages and methods to improve re-engineering and modernization software processes; the development of Web solutions for representing, reusing and exchanging information (e.g., in Open Data scenarios); and the analysis of Open Source repositories by deploying metrics to measure the activity and quality of the collaboration in the projects.