Registered user since Tue 21 Nov 2017
Prof. Dr. Tom Mens obtained a PhD in Science in 1999 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He became a lecturer at the University of Mons (UMONS) in October 2003, where he is currently full professor, director of the Software Engineering Lab, and vice-president of the INFORTECH Research Institute. His research interests include software evolution, quality and health management of software ecosystems, and software modeling. He co-organises the ICSE Software Health (SoHeal) workshops, and co-edited two Springer books “Software Evolution” and “Evolving Software Systems”. He published numerous highly-cited scientific articles in peer-reviewed international software engineering conferences and journals. He was keynote speaker for ICSME 2016 and program chair of ICSM 2013, CSMR 2012 and CSMR 2011. He is project leader of the FNRS-FRQ Québec-Wallonie collaborative research project “Socio-Technical Methodology and Analysis of Software Ecosystem Health” and the joint Belgian FNRS-FWO Excellence of Science project “Automated Assistance for Developing Software in Ecosys- tems of the Future”. He is a senior member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Society member, and member of the ACM.
Mining Software Repositories
Mining Software Repositories
- Author of A dataset of GitHub Actions workflow histories within the Data and Tool Showcase Track-track
- Author of RABBIT: A tool for identifying bot accounts based on their recent GitHub event history within the Data and Tool Showcase Track-track
- Author of Quantifying Security Issues in Reusable JavaScript Actions in GitHub Workflows within the Technical Papers-track
- Session Chair of Process automation & DevOps and Tutorial I (part of Technical Papers)
- Author of gawd: A Differencing Tool for GitHub Actions Workflows within the Data and Tool Showcase Track-track
- Committee Member in FOSS Award Committee within the FOSS Award-track
- Committee Member in Technical Papers - Program Committee within the Technical Papers-track
Mining Software Repositories
Mining Software Repositories
- Author of Identifying bot activity in GitHub pull request and issue comments within the BotSE 2021-track
- Author of A Ground-truth Dataset and Classification Model for Detecting Bots in GitHub Issue and PR Comments within the BotSE 2021-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the BotSE 2021-track