| 18:30 - 20:30 | |
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| Poster | | Partial and Conditional Expectations in Markov Decision Processes with Integer Weights ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Information Flow Control Parallel Runtime Systems Foundations ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | VyPR2: A Framework for Runtime Verification of Python Web Services ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Distributed Ledger Choreography Management via Provenance and Multiparty Session Type Isomorphisms ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Tool Support for Correctness-by-Construction ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Verifiably Safe Off-Model Reinforcement Learning ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers: A Parallelized and Sparsity-Aware Approach ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | FreeST: context-free session types in a functional language ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | WAPS: Weighted and Projected Sampling ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Semantic Fault Localization and Suspiciousness Ranking ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | The mCRL2 Toolset for Analysing Concurrent Systems: Improvements in Expressivity and Usability ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Distributive Disjoint Polymorphism for Compositional Programming ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Ultimate Automizer ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Automatically Identifying Sufficient Object Builders from Module APIs ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | CPAchecker with Strategy Selection ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | DeepFault: Fault Localization for Deep Neural Networks ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | PhASAR: An Inter-Procedural Static Analysis Framework for C/C++ ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Credential Scanning powered by Symbolic Regex Matching ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | ROLL 1.0: $\omega$-Regular Language Learning Library ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Parallel SAT Simplification on GPU Architectures ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Computing Coupled Similarity ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Implementing SOS with Active Objects: A Case Study of a Multicore Memory System ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Minimal-Time Synthesis for Parametric Timed Automata ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | PeSCo: Predicting Sequential Combinations of Verifiers ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | The COMPASS 3.0 Toolset ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | CoVeriTest: Cooperative Verifier-Based Testing ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Decomposing Farkas Interpolants ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | ILAng: A Modeling and Verification Platform for SoCs using Instruction-Level Abstractions ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | JBMC: Bounded Model Checking for Java Bytecode (Competition Contribution) ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | CLTestCheck: Measuring Test Effectiveness for GPU Kernels ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Business Process Privacy Analysis in Pleak ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Verifying Safety of Synchronous Fault-Tolerant Algorithms by Bounded Model Checking ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | CPALockator: Thread-Modular Approach with Transition Abstraction for Analysis of Multithreaded Software ETAPS Posters |
| Poster | | Constraint-based Monitoring of Hyperproperties ETAPS Posters |