The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Future Intelligent Technologies for Young Researchers (FITYR) endeavors to establish an international platform for communication and advancement, specifically designed for young researchers and practitioners. This platform aims to facilitate the exchange of innovative technologies, solutions, and services, as well as the sharing of the latest research findings, practical experiences, and lessons learned in the realm of Future Intelligent Technologies. Notably, this workshop will be held concurrently with IEEE FTS 2025 and IEEE CISOSE 2025.

We extend a cordial invitation to young researchers, academics, practitioners, and experts across diverse disciplines to contribute their original research papers to this workshop.

Topics of Interest

Topics of Interest include (but not limited to)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Deep Learning Algorithms and Architectures
  • Natural Language Processing and Understanding
  • AI Ethics and Bias in Machine Learning Models
  • Robotics and Autonomous Systems

  • Robot Path Planning and Navigation

  • Swarm Robotics and Cooperative Control
  • Autonomous Vehicles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
  • Big Data Analytics and Data Science

  • Large-Scale Data Processing and Storage

  • Predictive Analytics and Data Mining
  • Data Visualization and Storytelling
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy

  • Cryptography and Secure Communication

  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies and Anonymity
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies

  • Renewable Energy Harvesting and Storage

  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation Technologies
  • Emerging Technologies

  • Biotechnology and Medical Innovations

  • Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology
  • AI cloud for the future manufacturing

  • Other Computing related Technologies


    Call For Posters


    The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Future Intelligent Technologies for Young Researchers (FITYR) seeks poster submissions that describe recently completed work, highly relevant results of work in progress, or successful systems and applications, in all areas related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Deep Learning Algorithms and Architectures, Natural Language Processing and Understanding, and other FITYR topics.

    Presenting a poster is a great way to get feedback on work that has not yet been published. Summaries should include a concise description of the idea, the results of findings, supporting imagery and figures, and a discussion of the implementations of the work in the selected area of work. Full literature searches are not expected, although relevant citations should be included.

    The poster design itself does not need to be submitted with the extended abstract on the initial submission deadline. Instead, authors whose posters are accepted will be asked to submit their poster as a PDF at the camera-ready deadline with the goal that it will appear together with the extended abstract on the IEEE eXplore. Authors of accepted posters will also need to bring a physical printed copy of their poster to display at the poster session at the conference (The authors of the online participation posters are also required to present their work virtually and engage with both online and offline audiences. ).

    Submission Guidelines

    Poster authors are required to submit a 2-page extended abstract that covers the problem being tackled by the poster, the methodology/approach taken by the authors, and the main results attained up to this point. Poster papers must be submitted electronically at the submission site by the submission deadline (see the important dates). At least one author of each accepted poster must register for the conference and present the poster(Online presentation is acceptable if authors experience VISA issue). Each accepted poster will be presented by its authors during the main conference.

    Poster Review Process

    Poster submissions are single-blind and do not need to be anonymized. Submissions will be reviewed using a juried process, during which each poster will be read and evaluated by one to two reviewers with final decisions made collectively by the Posters Chairs. Authors will receive reviews of their submissions explaining the decision and providing feedback. Authors of accepted posters are expected to address any recommendations and conditions of acceptance prior to the final submission of camera-ready materials.

    Poster Session

    During the poster session, one or more authors need to be physically present at their poster to discuss their work with other attendees. We will share more details with the authors of accepted posters shortly after the notification of the results.

    Best Poster Awards

    The best poster award(s) will recognize the most outstanding poster contributions. It will be based on (1) the significance of the research contributions described in the submitted two-page poster summaries, as well as (2) the clarity, creativity, and design of the poster. These awards will be noted in the program and presented with a signed certificate.

    The Large Language Model Policy

    Text produced entirely by a large language model (LLM) must not be included in the poster extended abstract. This does not prohibit authors (especially whose native language is not English) from using LLMs for editing or polishing author-written texts – however, the final written texts must be those of the authors.


    All submissions must be original work that has not been presented previously at any workshop, symposium, or conference and not published previously in any archived conference proceeding, magazine, or journal.

    At the time of submission, it is required by the authors to state explicitly in the submission form that the submitted work is the work by the authors themselves or is a summary of the authors’ previously presented/published work with clear attribution. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will lead to the removal of the submission from the review process. For more information, please see the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ and the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual.

    Call For Papers

    The FITYR 2025 workshop endeavors to establish an international platform for communication and advancement, specifically designed for young researchers and practitioners. This platform aims to facilitate the exchange of innovative technologies, solutions, and services, as well as the sharing of the latest research findings, practical experiences, and lessons learned in the realm of Future Intelligent Technologies. Notably, this workshop will be held concurrently with IEEE CISOSE 2025.

    We extend a cordial invitation to young researchers, academics, practitioners, and experts across diverse disciplines to contribute their original research papers to this workshop. All accepted papers will be incorporated into the conference proceedings, which will be published by the IEEE CPS. Furthermore, selected papers will be invited for extension and subsequent publication in journals indexed in the SCI.


    The scope of IEEE FITYR 2025 includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning Algorithms and Architectures
  • Natural Language Processing and Understanding
  • AI Ethics and Bias in Machine Learning Models
  • Robotics and Autonomous Systems
  • Robot Path Planning and Navigation
  • Swarm Robotics and Cooperative Control
  • Autonomous Vehicles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
  • Big Data Analytics and Data Science
  • Large-Scale Data Processing and Storage
  • Predictive Analytics and Data Mining
  • Data Visualization and Storytelling
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy
  • Cryptography and Secure Communication
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies and Anonymity
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies
  • Renewable Energy Harvesting and Storage
  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation Technologies
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Biotechnology and Medical Innovations
  • Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology
  • AI cloud for the future manufacturing
  • Other Computing related Technologies
  • Paper Submission

    Three different types of contributions can be submitted:

    Regular/Full papers (10 pages, IEEE double-column format)
    Short papers (6 pages, IEEE double-column format)
    Posters (2 pages, IEEE double-column format)

    Regular papers should describe novel and previously unpublished scientific contributions within the scope of FITYR Topics. Each regular paper is limited to 10 pages, including tables, figures, and references.
    Each short paper is limited to 6 pages, including tables, figures and references. Short papers will also be peer-reviewed.
    Poster authors are required to submit a 2-page extended abstract that covers the problem being tackled by the poster, the methodology/approach taken by the authors, and the main results attained up to this point.

    The authors of accepted papers and posters will be given a choice to present a demo for the purpose of demonstrating their work. The demo will not be peer-reviewed and will not be evaluated as part of the paper/poster submission.

    All papers must be written in English. Manuscripts must include a title, an abstract, and a list of 4-6 keywords. All papers must be prepared in the IEEE double-column proceedings format. The paper submission templates are available on IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.

    Paper publication All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press (EI-Index) and included in the IEEE Digital Library. For publication, each accepted paper is required to be registered by one of its authors, and at least one author is required to attend and present the paper at the conference for the paper to be included in the final technical program and the IEEE Digital Library.


    All contributions should be original, not published elsewhere, or intended to be published during the review period. The submission Web page for IEEE FITYR 2025 is

  • Travel Information
  • Venue Information
  • Visa Information

    To attend this conference, you must have a valid passport and accompanying documents (e.g., visa) to travel to the USA.

    Participants are requested to familiarize themselves with their own applicable visa requirements well in advance of the conference. Present worldwide security regulations generally result in more stringent visa requirements and associated longer visa processing time. The conference organizers cannot intervene with embassies or consulates on behalf of any participant.

    In order to obtain a letter of invitation for visa purposes, please contact the organizing chair. Letters will only be provided to authors of accepted papers and participants who already paid for conference registration.

    Online Participation

    For authors experiencing issues with VISA applications, the conference accommodates online attendance and presentation.

    Sponsorship Information We would like to invite you to be a sponsor of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Future Intelligent Technologies for Young Researchers!

    Bronze (1000 USD)

  • Small Logo displayed
  • Logo and company name (online)
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement post (online)

  • Silver (2000 USD)

  • Medium Logo displayed
  • Poster displayed
  • Sponsored Interview (online)
  • Logo and company name (online)
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement post (online)

  • Gold (5000 USD)

  • Large Logo displayed
  • Poster displayed
  • Sponsored Interview (online)
  • Sponsored award
  • Logo and company name (online)
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement post (online)
  • Sponsored talk (on-site)
  • Questions? Use the CISOSE IEEE FITYR contact form.