ICTSS 2024
Wed 30 October - Fri 1 November 2024 London, United Kingdom

Call for Health Track Papers - ICTSS 2024

The International Conference of Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS) 2024 Health Track invites researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to share innovative advancements in software testing and validation specifically tailored to the healthcare sector. This track focuses on addressing the unique challenges and opportunities within healthcare technology and systems.

Submission Categories

ICTSS 2024 welcomes submissions in three categories for the Health Track:

  • Full Papers (12 pages + 2 pages for references): Present comprehensive research studies, case studies, or detailed reports that showcase significant advancements in testing and validation within healthcare technologies.
  • Short Papers (6 pages + 1 page for references): Offer concise contributions, technology transfer stories, impactful experience reports, or visionary ideas focused on healthcare testing and validation.
  • Posters (4 pages + 1 page for references): Highlight innovative concepts and preliminary work related to testing and validation in healthcare.
  • Journal First (4 pages + 1 page for references): Connect already published ideas related to health testing and validation. This requires an extended abstract and provide full bibliographic details.

Additionally, journal-first papers are encouraged. Submit your journal article with a two-page statement explaining its relevance to the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should emphasize the novel aspects of your approach, the healthcare context in which it is applied, and the outcomes achieved, ideally supported by experimental results for full papers. Clearly outline what the audience will learn and the practical implications of your work.

We welcome submissions from all areas of healthcare technology, covering the entire spectrum of software engineering techniques, tools, methodologies, processes, and practices relevant to any stage of the healthcare software lifecycle. Both full and short papers will undergo rigorous evaluation based on the same criteria, with short papers expected to offer more focused contributions.

All accepted papers will be included in the main conference proceedings, providing a platform for your work to gain recognition and influence the future of software testing and validation.

Format details follow the general call for papers detailing (please check general instructions especially for Journal First papers): https://conf.researchr.org/track/ictss-2024/ictss-2024-papers#Call-for-Papers

Evaluation Criteria

All submissions will be evaluated based on their significance, soundness, thoroughness of evaluation, quality of presentation, and appropriate discussion of related work. For the Health Track, additional key reviewing criteria are outlined below. These criteria will be adjusted to fit the specific type of submission, recognizing that not all criteria may be relevant for every paper (e.g., improvement on the state of the practice might not apply to an experience report).

  • Relevance to Healthcare Context: The research or experience report should be conducted within a healthcare environment or in collaboration with healthcare professionals. Submissions that address healthcare-relevant problems or are driven by current and emerging challenges in healthcare technology are strongly encouraged.
  • Advancement Beyond Current Practices: The degree to which the work pushes beyond existing practices in healthcare software testing and validation.
  • Insightfulness of Lessons Learned: The clarity and detail with which the insights and lessons learned are articulated, supported by data and thorough analysis.
  • Broader Applicability: A comprehensive discussion on the applicability of the work, approach, or insights to practitioners outside the immediate healthcare context or study group.

Join us at ICTSS 2024 and contribute to shaping the future of software quality and reliability in the healthcare sector.