OSS 2021
Wed 12 May 2021

The 17th International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS) aims at providing an international forum where a diverse community of professionals from academia, industry, and the public sector, and diverse FLOSS initiatives can come together to share research findings and practical experiences. The conference is also a forum to provide information and education to practitioners, identify directions for further research, and to be an ongoing platform for technology transfer, no matter which form of FLOSS is being pursued.

The Industry Conference will take place on May 13th afternoon, and include 6 to 8 talks. We are looking for stories telling us about:

  • real life OSS use cases in private or public companies
  • startups successful stories of turning research to businesses
  • best practices and OSS models in public or private sectors
  • any other relevant topic facilitating OSS adoption or related to technology transfer How to submit: please send your proposal of presentation title, a short abstract and your speaker bio with a photo to the OW2 Management Office (management-office@ow2.org).

Deadline to submit: March 21st, 2021

Confirmed Presentations

Building a sustainable and ethical business model on top of Open Source : the case of XWiki
Industrial Track
City of Paris: a journey to open source
Industrial Track
Open source experiences in AI and DataViz for manufacturing market
Industrial Track
OSS License compliance within the FASTEN Project
Industrial Track
Real world impact on adopting an Open Source software strategy in a global automotive company
Industrial Track
File Attached
RIOS (Rete Italiana Open Source): an open source business association
Industrial Track
The Melodic project: a business story
Industrial Track
Top 10 challenges of the open source ecosystem
Industrial Track
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Wed 12 May

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Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled
Live Q&A
Industrial Track
