CHASE 2025
Sun 27 - Mon 28 April 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2025

The conference organizers cannot provide definitive advice on visa and other travel requirements as we are neither experts nor authorized to do so. However, please see the following links to formal Government of Canada information:

Entry Requirements to Canada: Information regarding from which countries of origin (based on your passport) either a visitor visa or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) is required:

Almost everyone who is neither a Canadian or US Citizen will require either an eTA or a visitor visa.

Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA): People from many countries in Europe, as well as selected other countries, can simply obtain an eTA that (at the time of writing) costs $7 and can normally be obtained very quickly. This is not a kind of visa. Many countries have set up eTA processes so they can pre-filter people who are planning to come to the country.

Visitor Visa: Attendees from other countries will require a visitor visa (also called a temporary resident visa) to attend the conference in Canada. This process can take time, so we recommend you start applying early. However visitors visas generally last only 6 months, so you might want to obtain it only after mid-November 2024 (so it is still valid at the time of the conference in late April and early May). But don’t wait much beyond mid-November.

Information on obtaining a visitor visa from the Government of Canada:

Letters from the conference to support your visa application: When the ICSE 2025 registration site starts accepting registrations in autumn 2024, one of the things you will be able to request on the registration form if you are an organizer of a conference activity or an author of an accepted paper only, is a letter confirming that you are an organizer or have an accepted paper. Please do not directly contact us to request a letter. These letters will not guarantee that the government will issue you a visa, but might be useful.

Advance Declaration using the ArriveCan app: Although not required (at the time of writing this), there is a mobile app that allows you to fill in entry declaration information just before you fly. This can save 30% of your time at the immigration and customs lines at airports. It can sometimes enable you to get through customs and immigration in minutes.