Sun 22 - Fri 27 September 2024 Linz, Austria

Satellite Reception (Monday, 23rd Sept.)

On Wednesday evening, the satellite reception takes place at JKU in the Festsaal A and B (Uni Center, 1st floor). The lively campus atmosphere serves as an ideal venue for scholarly discourse and opening the satellite events.

Location: JKU - Uni Center (Campus map)

Welcome Reception (Wednesday, 25th Sept.)

The welcome reception will be held at the OÖ Nachrichten Forum, which is located along the central Linzer Promenade in the bustling city center. It provides a dynamic hub for vibrant networking experience, fostering dialogue on emerging trends within the conference theme and insightful discussions among visitors.

Location: Promenade 25, 4020 Linz

Banquet (Thursday, 26th Sept.)

The banquet will take place at the ‘Palais Kaufmännischer Verein Linz’, a renowned venue for gala events situated in the heart of Linz. The elegant architecture offers a majestic setting for professional networking events.

© Palais Kaufmännischer Verein

Location: Landstraße 49, 4020 Linz