SAS 2021
Sun 17 - Fri 22 October 2021 Chicago, Illinois, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2021

Why register for SPLASH?

  • Registration is your way to support the conference and cover our meeting room costs, web platform, A/V costs, and a myriad smaller expenses…
  • Registration gives you access to the extended conversation happening after each paper and invited talk…
  • Registration lets you mingle with researchers, educators, and professionals…
  • Registration allows you to take part in our mentoring events…

Anyone unable to afford registration should contact our chair.

Online Registration Form

On or before 18th September 2021 After 18th September 2021
In-person Online In-person Online
  ACM or SIGPLAN Member $625 $115 $745 $165
Nonmember* $715 $165 $845 $215
  Student member of ACM or SIGPLAN $320 $65 $385 $85
  Student nonmember* $380* $95*   $425* $115*

* includes a SIGPLAN online membership

Registration is good for all events during October 17-22, 2021, including OOPSLA, APLAS, SAS, GPCE, SLE, DLS, workshops, keynotes, technical talks, tutorials, social events, While some parts of the technical program will be freely available online, registration will be required for the interactive parts of the week, including social events, discussions, and tutorials.

Students should apply for PLMW, the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, which has a separate registration process.

More information about SIGPLAN membership is available via these links: and

OOPSLA authors: there is a voluntary article processing charge for Gold Open Access. SIGPLAN has negotiated a fee of US$400 per paper. Authors who have funding for publication charges are encouraged to pay this fee. If you can’t, SIGPLAN will cover those costs for you to ensure all OOPSLA articles are Gold OA in the ACM Digital Library.

Registering Groups

If your organization wants to register a group of people and make a single payment, here is the procedure:

1) Have each individual register and select the “Pay Later” option (or have someone from your organization register them.)

2) Send a list of the registered people to, together with the contact information of the person who will be making payment. Use this subject for the email: “Group Registration for SPLASH conference”.

We will set up a corporate account and notify the contact person how to access that account and pay the total balance due.