Welcome to the 27th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2020)!
Static analysis is widely recognized as a fundamental tool for program verification, bug detection, compiler optimization, program understanding, and software maintenance. The series of Static Analysis Symposia has served as the primary venue for the presentation of theoretical, practical, and application advances in the area.
Invited talks

Static Resource Analysis at Scale
Ezgi Çiçek

Polynomial Invariants for Affine Programs
James Worrell

Static analysis for privacy-preserving artificial intelligence
Gogul Balakrishnan

Cost Analysis of Smart Contracts via Parametric Resource Analysis
Manuel Hermenegildo
Wed 18 NovDisplayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change
00:20 - 01:00 | Breakfast in ParisSPLASH Student Research Competition at SPLASH-I
| ||
00:20 40mPoster | Student Research Competition SPLASH Student Research Competition |
02:20 - 03:00 | |||
02:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
04:20 - 05:00 | |||
04:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
06:20 - 07:00 | |||
06:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
07:00 - 08:00 | |||
07:00 40mTalk | Cost Analysis of Smart Contracts via Parametric Resource AnalysisInvited Talk SAS Media Attached File Attached | ||
07:40 20mResearch paper | A Library Modeling Language for the Static Analysis of C ProgramsArtifact SAS Media Attached File Attached |
08:20 - 09:00 | |||
08:20 40mOther | Awards Session SPLASH Awards |
09:00 - 10:20 | |||
09:00 80mKeynote | Models and Programs: Better Togethersupported by Futurewei SPLASH Keynotes Sriram Rajamani Microsoft Research Link to publication |
10:20 - 11:00 | |||
10:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
11:00 - 12:20 | 2SAS / DLS at SPLASH-III +12h Chair(s): Matthew Flatt University of Utah, USA, David Pichardie Univ Rennes, ENS Rennes, IRISA | ||
11:00 40mTalk | Static Resource Analysis at ScaleInvited Talk SAS File Attached | ||
11:40 40mKeynote | Croquet: A Unique Collaboration Architecture (Keynote)Keynote DLS Vanessa Freudenberg Croquet Corp Media Attached |
12:20 - 13:00 | |||
12:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
14:20 - 15:00 | |||
14:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
16:20 - 17:00 | |||
16:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
17:00 - 18:20 | |||
17:00 20mResearch paper | Abstract Neural Networks SAS Pre-print Media Attached | ||
17:20 20mTalk | Amalgamating Different JIT Compilations in a Meta-tracing JIT Compiler Framework DLS Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
17:40 20mResearch paper | Probabilistic Lipschitz Analysis of Neural NetworksArtifact SAS Ravi Mangal Georgia Institute of Technology, Kartik Sarangmath Georgia Institute of Technology, Aditya Nori , Alessandro Orso Georgia Tech Pre-print Media Attached | ||
18:00 20mTalk | Pricing Python Parallelism: A Dynamic Language Cost Model for Heterogeneous Platforms DLS Dejice Jacob University of Glasgow, UK, Phil Trinder University of Glasgow, Jeremy Singer Glasgow University Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
18:20 - 19:00 | |||
18:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
19:00 - 20:00 | |||
19:00 40mTalk | Cost Analysis of Smart Contracts via Parametric Resource AnalysisInvited Talk SAS Media Attached File Attached | ||
19:40 20mResearch paper | A Library Modeling Language for the Static Analysis of C ProgramsArtifact SAS Media Attached File Attached |
20:20 - 21:00 | |||
20:20 40mOther | Awards Session SPLASH Awards |
21:00 - 22:20 | |||
21:00 80mKeynote | Models and Programs: Better Togethersupported by Futurewei SPLASH Keynotes Sriram Rajamani Microsoft Research Link to publication |
22:20 - 23:00 | |||
22:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
23:00 - 00:20 | 2DLS / SAS at SPLASH-III Chair(s): Matthew Flatt University of Utah, USA, Mihaela Sighireanu LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay | ||
23:00 40mTalk | Static Resource Analysis at ScaleInvited Talk SAS File Attached | ||
23:40 40mKeynote | Croquet: A Unique Collaboration Architecture (Keynote)Keynote DLS Vanessa Freudenberg Croquet Corp Media Attached |
Thu 19 NovDisplayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change
00:20 - 01:00 | |||
00:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
02:20 - 03:00 | |||
02:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
04:20 - 05:00 | |||
04:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
05:00 - 06:20 | |||
05:00 20mResearch paper | Abstract Neural Networks SAS Pre-print Media Attached | ||
05:20 20mTalk | Amalgamating Different JIT Compilations in a Meta-tracing JIT Compiler Framework DLS Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
05:40 20mResearch paper | Probabilistic Lipschitz Analysis of Neural NetworksArtifact SAS Ravi Mangal Georgia Institute of Technology, Kartik Sarangmath Georgia Institute of Technology, Aditya Nori , Alessandro Orso Georgia Tech Pre-print Media Attached | ||
06:00 20mTalk | Pricing Python Parallelism: A Dynamic Language Cost Model for Heterogeneous Platforms DLS Dejice Jacob University of Glasgow, UK, Phil Trinder University of Glasgow, Jeremy Singer Glasgow University Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
06:20 - 07:00 | |||
06:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
07:00 - 08:20 | |||
07:00 80mKeynote | Why Digital Agriculture is Fertile Ground for Software Systems Researchsupported by IBM Research SPLASH Keynotes Vikram S. Adve University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Link to publication |
08:20 - 09:00 | |||
08:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
09:00 - 10:00 | |||
09:00 40mTalk | Polynomial Invariants for Affine ProgramsInvited Talk SAS File Attached | ||
09:40 20mResearch paper | Termination of Polynomial Loops SAS Florian Frohn Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Marcel Hark RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Jürgen Giesl RWTH Aachen University Pre-print Media Attached File Attached |
10:20 - 11:00 | |||
10:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
11:00 - 12:20 | 7SAS / DLS at SPLASH-III +12h Chair(s): Tim Felgentreff Oracle Labs, Potsdam, Kedar Namjoshi Nokia Bell Labs | ||
11:00 20mResearch paper | Interprocedural Shape Analysis Using Separation Logic-based Transformer Summaries SAS Hugo Illous CEA & INRIA / ENS Paris, Matthieu Lemerre CEA LIST, France, Xavier Rival INRIA/CNRS/ENS Paris File Attached | ||
11:20 20mTalk | DelayRepay: Delayed Execution for Kernel Fusion in Python DLS John Magnus Morton University of Edinburgh, Kuba Kaszyk University of Edinburgh, Lu Li Linköping University, Jiawen Sun University of Edinburgh, Christophe Dubach McGill University, Michel Steuwer The University of Edinburgh, Murray Cole University of Edinburgh, UK, Michael F. P. O'Boyle University of Edinburgh Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
11:40 20mResearch paper | Stratified Guarded First-order Transition Systems SAS Christian Müller Technische Universität München, Saarland University, Helmut Seidl Technische Universität München File Attached | ||
12:00 20mTalk | Sampling Optimized Code for Type Feedback DLS Olivier Flückiger Northeastern University, Andreas Wälchli University of Bern, Sebastián Krynski Czech Technical University, National University of Quilmes, Jan Vitek Northeastern University / Czech Technical University Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
11:00 - 12:20 | |||
11:00 80mPoster | Student Research Competition SPLASH Student Research Competition |
12:20 - 13:00 | |||
12:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
13:00 - 14:20 | 8SAS / DLS at SPLASH-III +12h Chair(s): Tim Felgentreff Oracle Labs, Potsdam, Samir Genaim Universidad Complutense de Madrid | ||
13:00 20mResearch paper | Formal framework for reasoning about the precision of dynamic analysis SAS Mila Dalla Preda University of Verona, Italy, Roberto Giacobazzi University of Verona and IMDEA Software Institute, Niccolò Marastoni University of Verona File Attached | ||
13:20 20mResearch paper | Farkas-Based Tree Interpolation SAS Sepideh Asadi PhD Student, Martin Blicha , Antti Hyvärinen , Grigory Fedyukovich Florida State University, Natasha Sharygina USI Lugano, Switzerland Pre-print | ||
13:40 40mTalk | Framework-Aware Debugging with Stack Tailoring DLS Matteo Marra Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Guillermo Polito Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, Inria, UMR 9189 - CRIStAL - Centre de Recherche en Informatique Signal et Automatique de Lille, Elisa Gonzalez Boix Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
14:20 - 15:00 | |||
14:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
15:00 - 16:20 | |||
15:00 20mResearch paper | Counterexample- and Simulation-Guided Floating-Point Loop Invariant SynthesisArtifact SAS Anastasia Isychev Technical University of Munich, Eva Darulova MPI-SWS, Helmut Seidl Technische Universität München Pre-print Media Attached | ||
15:40 20mResearch paper | Predicate Abstraction and CEGAR for nuHFL(Z) Validity Checking SAS Naoki Iwayama University of Tokyo, Japan, Naoki Kobayashi University of Tokyo, Japan, Ryota Suzuki , Takeshi Tsukada Chiba University, Japan File Attached |
16:20 - 17:00 | |||
16:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
17:00 - 18:20 | |||
17:00 40mTalk | Static analysis for privacy-preserving artificial intelligenceInvited Talk SAS |
18:20 - 19:00 | |||
18:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
19:00 - 20:20 | |||
19:00 80mKeynote | Why Digital Agriculture is Fertile Ground for Software Systems Researchsupported by IBM Research SPLASH Keynotes Vikram S. Adve University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Link to publication |
20:20 - 21:00 | |||
20:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
21:00 - 22:00 | |||
21:00 40mTalk | Polynomial Invariants for Affine ProgramsInvited Talk SAS File Attached | ||
21:40 20mResearch paper | Termination of Polynomial Loops SAS Florian Frohn Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Marcel Hark RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Jürgen Giesl RWTH Aachen University Pre-print Media Attached File Attached |
22:20 - 23:00 | |||
22:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
23:00 - 00:20 | |||
23:00 20mResearch paper | Interprocedural Shape Analysis Using Separation Logic-based Transformer Summaries SAS Hugo Illous CEA & INRIA / ENS Paris, Matthieu Lemerre CEA LIST, France, Xavier Rival INRIA/CNRS/ENS Paris File Attached | ||
23:20 20mTalk | DelayRepay: Delayed Execution for Kernel Fusion in Python DLS John Magnus Morton University of Edinburgh, Kuba Kaszyk University of Edinburgh, Lu Li Linköping University, Jiawen Sun University of Edinburgh, Christophe Dubach McGill University, Michel Steuwer The University of Edinburgh, Murray Cole University of Edinburgh, UK, Michael F. P. O'Boyle University of Edinburgh Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
23:40 20mResearch paper | Stratified Guarded First-order Transition Systems SAS Christian Müller Technische Universität München, Saarland University, Helmut Seidl Technische Universität München File Attached | ||
00:00 20mTalk | Sampling Optimized Code for Type Feedback DLS Olivier Flückiger Northeastern University, Andreas Wälchli University of Bern, Sebastián Krynski Czech Technical University, National University of Quilmes, Jan Vitek Northeastern University / Czech Technical University Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
Fri 20 NovDisplayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change
00:20 - 01:00 | |||
00:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
01:00 - 02:20 | |||
01:00 20mResearch paper | Formal framework for reasoning about the precision of dynamic analysis SAS Mila Dalla Preda University of Verona, Italy, Roberto Giacobazzi University of Verona and IMDEA Software Institute, Niccolò Marastoni University of Verona File Attached | ||
01:20 20mResearch paper | Farkas-Based Tree Interpolation SAS Sepideh Asadi PhD Student, Martin Blicha , Antti Hyvärinen , Grigory Fedyukovich Florida State University, Natasha Sharygina USI Lugano, Switzerland Pre-print | ||
01:40 40mTalk | Framework-Aware Debugging with Stack Tailoring DLS Matteo Marra Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Guillermo Polito Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, Inria, UMR 9189 - CRIStAL - Centre de Recherche en Informatique Signal et Automatique de Lille, Elisa Gonzalez Boix Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached |
02:20 - 03:00 | |||
02:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
03:00 - 04:20 | |||
03:00 20mResearch paper | Counterexample- and Simulation-Guided Floating-Point Loop Invariant SynthesisArtifact SAS Anastasia Isychev Technical University of Munich, Eva Darulova MPI-SWS, Helmut Seidl Technische Universität München Pre-print Media Attached | ||
03:40 20mResearch paper | Predicate Abstraction and CEGAR for nuHFL(Z) Validity Checking SAS Naoki Iwayama University of Tokyo, Japan, Naoki Kobayashi University of Tokyo, Japan, Ryota Suzuki , Takeshi Tsukada Chiba University, Japan File Attached |
04:20 - 05:00 | |||
04:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
05:00 - 06:20 | |||
05:00 40mTalk | Static analysis for privacy-preserving artificial intelligenceInvited Talk SAS |
06:20 - 07:00 | |||
06:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
08:20 - 09:00 | |||
08:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
10:20 - 11:00 | |||
10:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
12:20 - 13:00 | |||
12:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
14:20 - 15:00 | |||
14:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
16:20 - 17:00 | |||
16:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
17:00 - 18:20 | FSPLASH Keynotes at SPLASH-I +12h Chair(s): Stephen Kell University of Kent, Didier Verna EPITA / LRDE | ||
17:00 80mKeynote | Towards Building Ethically-Sound Data-Driven Software SPLASH Keynotes Brittany Johnson George Mason University Link to publication |
18:20 - 19:00 | |||
18:20 40mDay closing | Closing Session SPLASH Closing |
20:20 - 21:00 | |||
20:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
22:20 - 23:00 | |||
22:20 40mSocial Event | Meet The Speakers SPLASH Meet The Speakers (MTS) |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
The 27th Static Analysis Symposium, SAS 2020, will be held from November 18th to November 20th in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Static analysis is widely recognized as a fundamental tool for program verification, bug detection, compiler optimization, program understanding, and software maintenance. The series of Static Analysis Symposia has served as the primary venue for the presentation of theoretical, practical, and application advances in the area.
The technical program for SAS 2020 will consist of invited lectures and presentations of refereed papers. Contributions are welcomed on all aspects of static analysis, including, but not limited to:
Abstract domains | Abstract interpretation | Automated deduction |
Data flow analysis | Debugging | Deductive methods |
Emerging applications | Model checking | Program optimizations and transformations |
Program synthesis | Program verification | Security analysis |
Tool environments and architectures | Theoretical frameworks | Type checking |
Submit electronically via the EasyChair submission page.
Submissions can address any programming paradigm, including concurrent, constraint, functional, imperative, logic, object-oriented, aspect, multi-core, distributed, and GPU programming.
- Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with refereed proceedings.
- Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity.
- They should clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is significant.
- Paper submissions should not exceed 18 pages in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format, excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices. Program Committee members are not required to read the appendices, and thus papers must be intelligible without them.
Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.
As in previous years, we encourage authors to submit a virtual machine image containing any artifacts and evaluations presented in the paper. The goal of the artifact submissions is to strengthen our field’s scientific approach to evaluations and reproducibility of results. The virtual machines will be archived on a permanent Static Analysis Symposium website to provide a record of past experiments and tools, allowing future research to better evaluate and contrast existing work.
Artifact submission is optional. More information can be found on the Call for Artifacts.
Review Process
SAS 2020 will use a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. Following this process means that reviewers will not see the authors’ names or affiliations as they initially review a paper. The authors’ names will then be revealed to the reviewers only once their reviews have been submitted.
To facilitate this process, submitted papers must adhere to the following:
- Author names and institutions must be omitted and
- References to the authors’ own related work should be in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our previous work …” but rather “We build on the work of …”). The purpose of this process is to help the reviewers come to an initial judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission, makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult, or interferes with the process of disseminating new ideas. For example, important background references should not be omitted or anonymized, even if they are written by the same authors and share common ideas, techniques, or infrastructure. Authors should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would. For instance, authors may post drafts of their papers on the web or give talks on their research ideas.
Authors will be able to read reviews and respond to them as appropriate during the author response period.
Radhia Cousot Award
The program committee will select a paper for the Radhia Cousot Young Researcher Best Paper Award, in memory of Radhia Cousot, and her fundamental contributions to static analysis, as well as being one of the main promoters and organizers of the SAS series of conferences.
Call for Artifacts
As in previous years, we encourage authors to submit a virtual machine image containing any artifacts and evaluations presented in the paper. The goal of the artifact submissions is to strengthen our field’s scientific approach to evaluations and reproducibility of results. The virtual machines will be archived on a permanent Static Analysis Symposium website to provide a record of past experiments and tools, allowing future research to better evaluate and contrast existing work.
Artifact submission is optional. We accept only virtual machine images that can be processed with VirtualBox. The artifact should come with a virtual machine (VM) image and step-by-step instructions:
- Virtual machine image: The VM image must be bootable and contain all the necessary libraries installed. Please ensure that the VM image can be processed with VirtualBox. When preparing your artifact, please make it light as possible.
- Step-by-step instructions: It should clearly explain how to reproduce the results that support your paper’s conclusions. We encourage the authors to have easy-to-run scripts. Also, you should explain how to interpret the output of the artifact. Please provide an estimated execution time for each instruction.
The artifact submission is handled via Easychair. Please follow the instructions below to submit your artifact:
- Make the VM image and the instruction document into single compressed archive file using zip or gzip. Use your paper number for the name of the archive file.
- Upload the archive file to well-known storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive and get the sharable link of it.
- Run a checksum function with the archive file and make a text file that contains the link to the archive file and the checksum the result.
- Submit the file via the specific submission page.
The artifact submission is handled via Easychair.