[Poster] Benchmarking OpenMP for Real-Time Scheduling: From Modeling to Applications
Real-time systems are shifting from single-core to multi-core processors. Software must be parallelized to fully utilize the computation power of multi-core architecture. OpenMP is a popular parallel programming framework in general and high-performance computing, and recently has drawn a lot of interests in embedded and real-time computing. Much recent work has been done on real-time scheduling of OpenMP-based parallel workload. However, these studies conduct evaluations with randomly generated task systems, which cannot well represent the structure features of OpenMP workload. This paper presents a benchmark suite, ompTGB, to support research on real-time scheduling of OpenMP-based parallel tasks. ompTGB does not only collect realistic OpenMP programs, but also models them into task graphs so that the real-time scheduling researchers can easily understand and use them. We also present a new response time bound for a subset of OpenMP programs and use it to demonstrate the usage of ompTGB.