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LCTES 2019
Sat 22 - Fri 28 June 2019 Phoenix, Arizona, United States
co-located with PLDI 2019

Welcome to the 2019 edition of the International Conference on Languages Compilers, Tools and Theory of Embedded Systems. LCTES provides a link between the programming languages and the embedded systems communities. Researchers and developers in these areas are addressing many similar problems, but with different backgrounds and approaches. LCTES is intended to expose researchers and developers from either area to relevant work and interesting problems in the other area and provide a forum where they can interact.

Paper Categories

  • Full paper: 10 pages presenting original work.
  • Work-In-Progress (WIP) paper: 2-4 page papers presenting original ideas that are likely to trigger interesting discussions.
  • Invited (INV) papers: 2-3 page papers, presenting an overview of the field, and shining light on important research problems. After acceptance, the authors will submit a full (up to) 10-page paper for publication.

Accepted papers in all the categories will appear in the proceedings published by ACM. Selected papers will be invited for a special issue in ACM TECS.

Artifact Evaluation

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to formally submit their supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation process. The Artifact Evaluation process is run by a separate committee whose task is to reproduce (at least some) experiments and how the artifacts support the work described in the papers. This submission is voluntary and will not influence the final decision regarding the papers.

Original contributions are solicited on the topics of interest including, but not limited to:

  • Programming languages
  • Compilers
  • Tools for analysis, specification, design, and implementation
  • Theory and foundations of embedded systems
  • Novel embedded architectures
  • Mobile systems and IoT
  • Industrial case studies


Morning crowd

Morning session.

Gupta Keynote

Keynote by Prof. Gupta.

Poster session

Poster session selfie.

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Sun 23 Jun

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08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:45
Keynote 1: Academic KeynoteLCTES 2019 at 105A
Note from Program Chair
LCTES 2019
Aviral Shrivastava Arizona State University
New Models and Methods for Programming Cyber-Physical Systems
LCTES 2019
K: Rajesh Gupta UC San Diego
09:45 - 11:00
Session 1: Memory ManagementLCTES 2019 at 105A
Chair(s): Greg Stitt University of Florida
Optimizing Tensor Contractions for Embedded Devices with Racetrack Memory Scratch-Pads
LCTES 2019
Asif Ali Khan TU Dresden, Germany, Norman A. Rink TU Dresden, Germany, Fazal Hameed TU Dresden, Germany, Jeronimo Castrillon TU Dresden, Germany
SHAKTI-MS: A RISC-V Processor for Memory Safety in C
LCTES 2019
SA-SPM: An Efficient Compiler for Security Aware Scratchpad Memory (Invited)
LCTES 2019
Thomas Haywood Dadzie Hanyang University, Jiwon Lee Hanyang University, Jihye Kim Kookmin University, Hyunok Oh Hanyang Univ
1+1$>$2: Variation-Aware Lifetime Enhancement for Embedded 3D NAND Flash Systems
LCTES 2019
Yejia Di East China Normal University, Chongqing University, Liang Shi Chongqing University, Shuo-Han Chen Academia Sinica, Taipei, Jason Xue City University of Hong Kong, China, Edwin Sha Chongqing University
Crash Recoverable ARMv8-oriented B+-tree for Byte-addressable Persistent Memory
LCTES 2019
Chundong Wang Singapore University of Technology and Design, Sudipta Chattopadhyay Singapore University of Technology and Design, Gunavaran Brihadiswarn University of Moratuwa
11:00 - 11:20
Coffee BreakPLDI Catering at 301 Foyer
11:20 - 12:35
Session 2: Architecture and CompilersLCTES 2019 at 105A
Chair(s): Na Meng Virginia Tech
From Java to Real-Time Java: A Model-Driven Methodology with Automated Toolchain (Invited)
LCTES 2019
Wanli Chang University of York, Shuai Zhao University of York, Ran Wei University of York, Andy Wellings University of York, Alan Burns University of York
The Betrayal of Constant Power × Time: Finding the Missing Joules of Transiently-Powered Computers
LCTES 2019
Saad Ahmed LUMS, Pakistan, Abu Bakar Northwestern University, US, Naveed Anwar Bhatti RISE, Sweden, Muhammad Hamad Alizai LUMS, Pakistan, Junaid Haroon Siddiqui , Luca Mottola Politecnico di Milano, Italy and RI.Se SICS, Sweden
WCET-Aware Hyper-Block Construction for Clustered VLIW Processors
LCTES 2019
Xuesong Su UNSW Sydney, Hui Wu University of New South Wales, Australia, Jingling Xue UNSW Sydney
SPECTRUM: A Software Defined Predictable Many-core Architecture for LTE Baseband Processing
LCTES 2019
Vanchinathan Venkataramani National University of Singapore, Aditi Kulkarni National University of Singapore, Tulika Mitra National University of Singapore, Singapore, Li-Shiuan Peh National University of Singapore
Efficient Intermittent Computing with Differential Checkpointing
LCTES 2019
Saad Ahmed LUMS, Pakistan, Naveed Anwar Bhatti RISE, Sweden, Muhammad Hamad Alizai LUMS, Pakistan, Junaid Haroon Siddiqui , Luca Mottola Politecnico di Milano, Italy and RI.Se SICS, Sweden
12:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:45
Keynote 2: Industry KeynoteLCTES 2019 at 105A
Note from General Chair
LCTES 2019
Jian-Jia Chen TU Dortmund University
Industry talk
An Open, Transparent, Industry-Driven Approach to AV Safety
LCTES 2019
K: Jack Weast Intel, USA
14:45 - 15:30
Session 3: ApplicationsLCTES 2019 at 105A
Chair(s): Wanli Chang University of York
Automating the Generation of Hardware Component Knowledge Bases
LCTES 2019
Luke Hsiao Stanford University, Sen Wu Stanford University, Nicholas Chiang Gunn High School, Christopher Ré , Philip Levis Stanford University
IA-Graph Based Inter-App Conflicts Detection in Open IoT Systems
LCTES 2019
Xinyi Li Chang'an University, Lei Zhang North Carolina State University, Xipeng Shen North Carolina State University
ApproxSymate: Path Sensitive Program Approximation using Symbolic Execution
LCTES 2019
Himeshi Praveeni De Silva , Andrew Santosa National University of Singapore, Nhut Minh Ho National University of Singapore, Weng-Fai Wong National University of Singapore
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee BreakPLDI Catering at 301 Foyer
16:00 - 16:45
Session 4: Benchmarking and In-progress WorksLCTES 2019 at 105A
Chair(s): Hyunok Oh Hanyang Univ
BitBench: A Benchmark for Bitstream Computing
LCTES 2019
Kyle Daruwalla University of Wisconsin – Madison, Heng Zhuo University of Wisconsin - Madison, Carly Schulz University of Wisconsin - Madison, Mikko H. Lipasti
PANDORA: A Parallelizing Approximation-Discovery Framework (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
Greg Stitt University of Florida, David Campbell University of Florida
On Intermittence Bugs in the Battery-less Internet of Things (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
Andrea Maioli Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Luca Mottola Politecnico di Milano, Italy and RI.Se SICS, Sweden, Muhammad Hamad Alizai LUMS, Pakistan, Junaid Haroon Siddiqui
Raising Binaries to LLVM IR with MCTOLL (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
A Compiler-based Approach for GPGPU Performance Calibration using TLP Modulation (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
Yongseung Yu Hanyang University, Seokwon Kang Hanyang University, Yongjun Park Hanyang University
An Empirical Comparison between Monkey Testing and Human Testing (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
Mostafa Mohammed Virginia Tech, Haipeng Cai Washington State University, USA, Na Meng Virginia Tech
16:45 - 17:15
Poster SessionLCTES 2019 at 105A

Accepted Papers

1+1$>$2: Variation-Aware Lifetime Enhancement for Embedded 3D NAND Flash Systems
LCTES 2019
A Compiler-based Approach for GPGPU Performance Calibration using TLP Modulation (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
An Empirical Comparison between Monkey Testing and Human Testing (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
ApproxSymate: Path Sensitive Program Approximation using Symbolic Execution
LCTES 2019
Automating the Generation of Hardware Component Knowledge Bases
LCTES 2019
BitBench: A Benchmark for Bitstream Computing
LCTES 2019
Crash Recoverable ARMv8-oriented B+-tree for Byte-addressable Persistent Memory
LCTES 2019
Efficient Intermittent Computing with Differential Checkpointing
LCTES 2019
From Java to Real-Time Java: A Model-Driven Methodology with Automated Toolchain (Invited)
LCTES 2019
IA-Graph Based Inter-App Conflicts Detection in Open IoT Systems
LCTES 2019
On Intermittence Bugs in the Battery-less Internet of Things (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
Optimizing Tensor Contractions for Embedded Devices with Racetrack Memory Scratch-Pads
LCTES 2019
PANDORA: A Parallelizing Approximation-Discovery Framework (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
Raising Binaries to LLVM IR with MCTOLL (Work in progress)
LCTES 2019
SA-SPM: An Efficient Compiler for Security Aware Scratchpad Memory (Invited)
LCTES 2019
SHAKTI-MS: A RISC-V Processor for Memory Safety in C
LCTES 2019
SPECTRUM: A Software Defined Predictable Many-core Architecture for LTE Baseband Processing
LCTES 2019
The Betrayal of Constant Power × Time: Finding the Missing Joules of Transiently-Powered Computers
LCTES 2019
WCET-Aware Hyper-Block Construction for Clustered VLIW Processors
LCTES 2019

Phoenix Convention Center

Room: 105a/160

Day: 23, June 2019 (Sunday)

Floor Plans and Specs | Phoenix Convention Center

View the floorplan of the Phoenix Convention Center here.

Nearby Hotel

This link contains the list of the hotels close to the venue.

Conference Location

100 N 3rd St, Phoenix, 85004

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

To register for LCTES 2019, go here, and then follow the steps.

  • Enter your name, email address and registration type. On the next 2 pages, enter personal information.

  • Then on the next page, you should select “PLDI’19 WORKSHOPS AND TUTORIALS SUNDAY”. The cost is only $175.

  • On the following page, select: “(LCTES) Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory of Embedded Systems”.

  • Please check to make sure that all the information entered is correct, and if you are registering only for LCTES, then the total should be $175+ FCRC Conference fee.

ACM can provide visa support letters to confirmed participants. For Visa support letters, please send all requests to the Office of SIG Services supportletters@acm.org with the following information:

  1. Your name as it appears on your passport

  2. Your current postal mailing address

  3. The name of the conference you wish to attend

  4. Your Registration Confirmation Number

  5. If you have any papers accepted for the conference, please provide the title and indicate whether you are the ‘sole author’ or a ‘co-author’

Please note:

  • Visa support letters are issued via email by PDF and the original is mailed to your current postal address.
  • ACM does not issue formal letters of invitation to any of its ACM sponsored conferences.
  • Visa Support Letters will only be provided to participants who have registered and paid for the Conference. Should participants withdraw from the conference after the issue of the Visa Support Letter the consulate will be notified of the withdrawal accordingly.

Full Paper presenters:

  • Please check your presentation schedule in the “Program” tab.
  • Presentations are 12 minutes with an additional 3 minutes for Q&A.
  • Please connect with your session chair during the breakfast, and provide them with your short bio, so that they can introduce you.
  • Please upload your presentation to the conference laptop before breakfast time.
  • If you bring posters, set them up before breakfast. The poster session is from 16:15-17:15.
  • You can also set up a demo during the poster session.

Work in Progress paper presenters

  • Please check your paper presentation schedule in the “Program” tab.
  • Presentations are 4 minutes with an additional minute for Q&A.
  • Please connect with your session chair during the breakfast, and provide them with your short bio, so that they can introduce you.
  • Please upload your presentation to the conference laptop before breakfast time.
  • If you bring posters, set them up before breakfast. The poster session is from 16:15-17:15.
  • You can also set up a demo during the poster session.

Slides specs

  • Presentations should be in pptx/pdf format in an aspect ratio of 16:9.

Poster specs

  • Posters should be vertical, 18x24 inch.
  • An easel, an 18x24 inch foam-board, and will be provided to stick your poster onto.

Demo specs

  • A table with power port will be provided.