APLAS 2022
Mon 5 - Sat 10 December 2022 Auckland, New Zealand
co-located with SPLASH 2022
Mon 5 Dec 2022 13:30 - 14:00 at Seminar Room G007 - Testing and Verification Chair(s): Jonathan Aldrich

Hoare-style program logics are a popular and effective technique for software verification. Relational program logics are an instance of this approach that enable reasoning about relationships between the execution of two or more programs. Existing relational program logics have focused on verifying that \emph{all} runs of a collection of programs do not violate a specified relational behavior. Several important relational properties, including refinement and noninterference, do not fit into this category, as they also require the \emph{existence} of specific desirable executions. This paper presents RHLE, a logic for verifying these sorts of relational ∀∃ properties. Key to our approach is a novel form of function specification that employs a variant of ghost variables to require that valid implementations exhibit certain behaviors. We have used a program verifier based on RHLE to verify a diverse set of relational ∀∃ properties drawn from the literature.

Mon 5 Dec

Displayed time zone: Auckland, Wellington change

13:30 - 15:00
Testing and VerificationAPLAS at Seminar Room G007
Chair(s): Jonathan Aldrich Carnegie Mellon University
RHLE: Modular Deductive Verification of Relational ∀∃ Properties
Robert Dickerson Purdue University, Qianchuan Ye Purdue University, Michael K. Zhang Purdue University, Benjamin Delaware Purdue University
Automated Temporal Verification for Algebraic Effects
Yahui Song National University of Singapore, Darius Foo National University of Singapore, Wei-Ngan Chin National University of Singapore
Model-based Fault Classification for Automotive Software
Mike Becker TU Braunschweig, Roland Meyer TU Braunschweig, Tobias Runge TU Braunschweig, Ina Schaefer KIT, Sören van der Wall PhD Student, Sebastian Wolff New York University