APLAS 2022
Mon 5 - Sat 10 December 2022 Auckland, New Zealand
co-located with SPLASH 2022

SPLASH-E is a symposium, started in 2013, for software and languages (SE/PL) researchers with activities and interests around computing education. Some build pedagogically-oriented languages or tools; some think about pedagogic challenges around SE/PL courses; some bring computing to non-CS communities; some pursue human studies and educational research.

At SPLASH-E, we share our educational ideas and challenges centered in software/languages, as well as our best ideas for advancing such work. SPLASH-E strives to bring together researchers and those with educational interests that arise from software ideas or concerns.

Authors of accepted contributions to SPLASH-E 2022 will be able to present their work even if they cannot travel to the SPASH 2022 conference site in Auckland, New Zealand. Authors of accepted contributions are expected to register for SPLASH 2022.

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Mon 5 Dec

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09:00 - 10:00
Morning 1SPLASH -E at Seminar Room G125
Chair(s): Molly Q Feldman Oberlin College

The session is hybrid, with the first talk being in-person, and the second virtual. The physical venue G125 has video equipment for online presentation via airmeet. The SPLASH 2022 airmeet page is: https://tinyurl.com/splash2022virtual. Look for the SPLASH-E sessions there and bookmark them. For issues, use the airmeet chat if you are joining online, and look for the student volunteer Jiwon Park, if you in G125.

Codehound: Helping Instructors Track Pedagogical Code Dependencies in Course MaterialsIn Person
Sam Lau University of California at San Diego, Philip Guo University of California at San Diego
The Role of Abstraction in Introductory ProgrammingVirtual
Kezia Devathasan University of Victoria, Celina Berg University of Victoria, Daniela Damian University of Victoria
10:30 - 12:00
Morning 2SPLASH -E at Seminar Room G125
Chair(s): Martin Henz National University of Singapore

The session is hybrid, with the first talk being virtual (pre-recorded with live Q&A), and the second in-person. The physical venue G125 has video equipment for online presentation via airmeet. The SPLASH 2022 airmeet page is: https://tinyurl.com/splash2022virtual. Look for the SPLASH-E sessions there and bookmark them. For issues, use the airmeet chat if you are joining online, and look for the student volunteer Jiwon Park, if you in G125.

Data Science Pedagogy to Support Industry, Governmental, and Research InitiativesPre-recorded
Kevin Dick Carleton University, Hoda Khalil Carleton University, Gabriel A. Wainer Carleton University
Crossing Learning Thresholds Progressively via Active LearningIn Person
Sarnath Ramnath St. Cloud State University, Brahma Dathan Metropolitan State University

13:30 - 15:00
Afternoon 1SPLASH -E at Seminar Room G125
Chair(s): Eli Tilevich Virginia Tech

The session is hybrid, with the first talk being virtual, and the second in-person. The physical venue G125 has video equipment for online presentation via airmeet. The SPLASH 2022 airmeet page is: https://tinyurl.com/splash2022virtual. Look for the SPLASH-E sessions there and bookmark them. For issues, use the airmeet chat if you are joining online, and look for the student volunteer Wang Chengpeng, if you in G125.

Team Harmony before, during, and after COVID-19Virtual
Noa Heyl University of British Columbia, Elisa Baniassad University of British Columbia, Oluwakemi Ola University of British Columbia
Expressions in Java: Essential, Prevalent, Neglected?In Person
Luca Chiodini USI Lugano, Igor Moreno Santos USI Lugano, Matthias Hauswirth USI Lugano

15:30 - 17:00
Afternoon 2SPLASH -E at Seminar Room G125
Chair(s): Benjamin Lerner Northeastern University, United States

Both talks in this session are given in-person. The physical venue G125 has video equipment for online participation via airmeet. The SPLASH 2022 airmeet page is: https://tinyurl.com/splash2022virtual. Look for the SPLASH-E sessions there and bookmark them. For issues, use the airmeet chat if you are joining online, and look for the student volunteer Jiwon Park, if you in G125.

Mio: A Block-Based Environment for Program DesignIn Person
Junya Nose SoftBank, Youyou Cong Tokyo Institute of Technology, Hidehiko Masuhara Tokyo Institute of Technology
Evaluating the Quality of Student-Written Software Tests with Curated Mutation AnalysisIn Person
Braxton Hall University of British Columbia, Elisa Baniassad University of British Columbia

Call for Papers

SPLASH-E is a forum for educators to make connections between programming languages research and the ways we educate computer science students. We invite work that could improve or inform computer science educators, especially work that connects with introductory computer science courses, programming languages, compilers, software engineering, and other SPLASH-related topics. Educational tools, experience reports, and new curricula are all welcome. Potential topics of interest include:

  • innovative curriculum, assessment or course formats
  • multidisciplinary learning environments
  • integration of research into teaching and training
  • individual and multidisciplinary team development
  • methods to involve industry as a key stakeholder in the design, delivery, or both of courses
  • new modes of learning and education in the digital era
  • industrial transfer of educational findings
  • ethics instruction
  • equity, diversity, and inclusion, in the classroom
  • methodological aspects of education
  • application of educational research methods in education
  • online learning and its impact on educational settings and curricula

Accepted Formats

  • Short papers (3-5 pages, not including references): Course experience reports: What was new, or different? What worked, or didn’t? What successes would you like to share, or pitfalls can you warn us about?
  • Full papers (10 pages, not including references): Conventional papers on education research results, tools or case studies. We also invite papers on retrospective discussions over a longer-term course experiment, or larger-scale curricular design.
  • Lightning talks (1-4 pages, including references): See below.

If your submission does not conform to one of these formats, please contact the co-chairs to discuss it. There’s a good chance we can still consider your work for SPLASH-E.

Submission instructions

Submissions should be blinded. Use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference acmart Format, with the sigplan and review \documentclass options. This produces two-column, 10pt files. If you use LaTeX or Word, please use the provided ACM SIGPLAN acmart templates provided here. All submissions should be in PDF. Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible.

Publication Information

Short papers and full papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library. Lightning talk descriptions will appear on the website only. AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to /two weeks prior/ to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Lightning Talks

The SPLASH-E 2022 Symposium will accept proposals for lightning talks to take place during SPLASH-E. Lightning talks can cover projects in progress, zany ideas, reflections, or education opportunities that SE/PL researchers might otherwise miss. These can be a way to find collaborators for projects, inviting critique on research designs, or just ways to inspire good conversations. Lightning talks will be approximately three minutes apiece.


We know educators are highly constrained in terms of time – especially now! We have therefore extended the deadline for full papers by 7 days, more precisely until the end of August 26 AoE. The new deadline for short papers is the end of September 2 AoE. Lightning talks can be submitted up to 2 weeks before the event. We can’t guarantee how much time the talk will be allocated.

Registration and presentation

Authors of accepted contributions to SPLASH-E 2022 will be able to present their work even if they cannot travel to the SPASH 2022 conference site in Auckland, New Zealand. Authors of accepted contributions are expected to register for SPLASH 2022. The SPLASH-E 2022 organizers will update this site well ahead of the symposium with details on how the event is conducted.

Questions? Use the SPLASH -E contact form.