APLAS 2023
Sun 26 - Wed 29 November 2023 Taipei, Taiwan
Mon 27 Nov 2023 10:30 - 11:00 at Room 106 & 107, IIS - Types Chair(s): Jacques Garrigue

Programming with versions is a paradigm that allows a program to use multiple versions of a module so that the programmer can selectively use functions from both older and newer versions of a single module. While previous work showed λVL, a core calculus for programming with versions, it has not been integrated into practical programming languages. In this paper, we propose VL, a Haskell-based surface language for λVL along with its compilation method. VL leverages Girard’s translation, a newly proposed bundling process, and a type and version inference algorithm to support multiple versions of modules with minimal version annotations. The paper gives a formal definition of the inference algorithm and an implementation of a compiler. A case study shows that VL can support a scenario of software evolution that happened in practice.

Mon 27 Nov

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10:30 - 12:00
TypesAPLAS 2023 at Room 106 & 107, IIS
Chair(s): Jacques Garrigue Nagoya University
Compilation Semantics for a Programming Language with Versions
APLAS 2023
Yudai Tanabe Kyoto University, Luthfan Anshar Lubis Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tomoyuki Aotani Sanyo-Onoda City University, Hidehiko Masuhara Tokyo Institute of Technology
What Types are Needed for Typing Dynamic Objects? A Python-based Empirical Study
APLAS 2023
Ke Sun Peking University, Sheng Chen University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Meng Wang University of Bristol, Dan Hao Peking University
Types and Semantics for Extensible Data Types
APLAS 2023
Cas van der Rest Delft University of Technology, Casper Bach Delft University of Technology