APSEC 2022
Tue 6 - Fri 9 December 2022
Fri 9 Dec 2022 09:50 - 10:05 at Room2 - Microservices and Web Chair(s): Norihiro Yoshida

Domain-driven design (DDD) is commonly used with microservices architecture (MSA) to develop scalable, business-driven service-based software. Layered, tree-based architectures have recently been mentioned for MSA to tame the system complexity. However, there exists a knowledge gap in terms of the exact nature of this architecture style and how it is constructed. In this paper, we propose a nested, multitree microservices architecture (named TMSA) to fill this gap. We define TMSA based on a module-based RESTful DDD software architecture. A service is composed of a nested service tree. Service structure reuse is inherently supported by the multitree. The multitree structure also provides a scaffolding on which to define two types of service resiliency and two architecture reconfiguration operations. To construct TMSA directly in OOPLs, we propose an annotation-based specification language, named TASL. We modularly define TASL based on an existing specification language. We implement TMSA as part of a DDD software framework, named JDA.

Fri 9 Dec

Displayed time zone: Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo change

09:20 - 10:30
Microservices and WebERA - Early Research Achievements / Technical Track at Room2
Chair(s): Norihiro Yoshida Ritsumeikan University
Testing for Event-Driven Microservices Based on Consumer-Driven Contracts and State Models
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Chu-Fei Wu National Taiwan Ocean University, Shang-Pin Ma National Taiwan Ocean University, An-Chi Shau National Taiwan Ocean University, Hang-Wei Yeh National Taiwan Ocean University
Analyzing and Monitoring Kubernetes Microservices based on Distributed Tracing and Service Mesh
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Yu-Te Wang National Taiwan Ocean University, Shang-Pin Ma National Taiwan Ocean University, Yue-Jun Lai National Taiwan Ocean University, Yan-Cih Liang National Taiwan Ocean University
Managing Complexity in Microservices Architecture: A Nested MultiTree Domain-Driven Approach
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Duc Minh Le Swinburne Vietnam, FPT University
UTCache: Updatable Transactional Cache For Database-Driven Applications
Technical Track
Xiaodong Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Jing Zhou Shanghai Jiao Tong University