APSEC 2022
Tue 6 - Fri 9 December 2022

Evolution and use cases of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) in academia and industry

Moderator: Hironori Washizaki (Waseda University / National Institute of Informatics / SYSTEM INFORMATION / eXmotion, Japan)


  • Juan Garbajosa (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
  • Pankaj Kamthan (Concordia University, Canada)
  • Kenneth E Nidiffer (George Mason University, USA)
  • Steve Schwarm (Retired/Part-Time Synopsys - Black Duck Software, USA)
  • Steve Tockey (Construx Software, USA)


The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), published and maintained by the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS), describes generally accepted knowledge about software engineering [1]. The SWEBOK guide is established with the objectives of promoting a consistent view of software engineering worldwide, clarifying the place of software engineering with respect to other disciplines, providing topical access to the BOK, and providing a foundation for curriculum development, individual certification and licensing material. The SWEBOK guide has been adopted as the foundation of software professional certification programs and has been adopted as ISO/IEC TR 19759 as well as references in ISO/IEC 24773 series.

Initially, the SWEBOK guide was established in the early 2000s and has continued to evolve over the last 20 years to reflect society's educational, industrial, social, technical, and technological changes [2][3]. The IEEE-CS Professional & Educational Activities Board has led the development of Version 4 of the SWEBOK guide, mainly reflecting new developments in software engineering practice (such as Agile and DevOps), and the growth of BOK resulting in new knowledge areas (including software architecture, security, and operations) as well as connections to related areas (such as AI).

This panel overviews the SWEBOK guide and its latest updates, followed by exploring uses of the SWEBOK guide in software engineering education, software engineering research, and industrial software engineering. Moreover, the panel envisions future directions of the SWEBOK guide and its adoptions.

[1] IEEE-CS, “The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK),” https://www.computer.org/education/bodies-of-knowledge/software-engineering http://swebok.org
[2] Rich Hilliard, “SWEBoK Evolution: A CSEE&T 2017 Panel Session,” Proceedings of the IEEE 30th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), 2017.
[3] Pankaj Kamthan, Hironori Washizaki, “SWEBOK Matters: Report and Reflection of a SEKE Panel on the Educational and Professional Implications of SWEBOK,” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), 2022.


Evolution and use cases of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) in academia and industry

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Wed 7 Dec

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16:00 - 17:00
PanelPanel at Hall

Evolution and use cases of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) in academia and industry

Moderator: Hironori Washizaki Waseda University / National Institute of Informatics / SYSTEM INFORMATION / eXmotion, Japan

Panelists: Juan Garbajosa Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Pankaj Kamthan Concordia University, Canada Kenneth E Nidiffer George Mason University, USA Steve Schwarm Retired/Part-Time Synopsys - Black Duck Software, USA Steve Tockey Construx Software, USA

Evolution and use cases of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) in academia and industry
