ASE 2024
Sun 27 October - Fri 1 November 2024 Sacramento, California, United States

This document provides the details of the artifact associated with the paper titled “Compiler Bug Isolation Based on Enhanced Mutation”. The paper proposed ETEM, a compiler bug isolation method, and it also collected a reproducible dataset on compiler bugs, which contains 60 new LLVM bugs, and presented an experiment on 120 real bugs from GCC and LLVM.

The artifact has been placed on a publicly accessible archival repository Zenodo, so it is available. It provides the collected dataset, the ETEM source code, and the experimental data. The artifact has been documented and made runnable, so it is reusable. The following sections describe the purpose of the artifact, the badges being applied for, the technology skills assumed, the provenance of the artifact, and the instructions for accessing and using it.