ASE 2024
Sun 27 October - Fri 1 November 2024 Sacramento, California, United States

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Wed 30 Oct 2024 14:15 - 14:30 at Gardenia - Autonomous Systems

\emph{Autonomous driving systems (ADS)} are safety-critical and require comprehensive testing before their deployment on public roads. While existing testing approaches primarily focus on the criticality of scenarios, they often overlook the diversity of the generated scenarios that is also important to reflect system defects in different aspects. To bridge the gap, we propose Legend, that features a top-down fashion of scenario generation: it starts with abstract functional scenarios, and then step downwards to logical and concrete scenarios, such that scenario diversity can be controlled at the functional level.
However, unlike logical scenarios that can be formally described, functional scenarios are often documented in natural languages (e.g., accident reports) thus cannot be precisely parsed and processed by computers; to tackle that issue, Legend leverages the recent advances of large language models to transform functional scenarios in natural languages to formal logical scenarios. To mitigate the distraction of useless information in functional scenarios, we devise a two-stage transformation that features the use of an intermediate language; consequently, we adopt two LLMs in Legend, one for extracting information from functional scenarios, the other for converting the extracted information to formal logical scenarios. We experimentally evaluate Legend on Apollo, an industry-grade ADS from Baidu. Evaluation results show that Legend can effectively identify critical scenarios, and compared to baseline approaches, Legend exhibits evident superiority in diversity of generated scenarios. Moreover, we also demonstrate the advantages of our two-phase transformation framework, and the accuracy of the adopted LLMs.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Wed 30 Oct

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

13:30 - 15:00
SoVAR: Build Generalizable Scenarios from Accident Reports for Autonomous Driving Testing
Research Papers
An Guo Nanjing University, Yuan Zhou Nanyang Technological University, Haoxiang Tian Nanyang Technological University, Chunrong Fang Nanjing University, Yunjian Sun Nanjing University, Weisong Sun Nanyang Technological University, Xinyu Gao , Luu Anh Tuan Nanyang Technological University, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Zhenyu Chen Nanjing University
Bridging the Gap between Real-world and Synthetic Images for Testing Autonomous Driving Systems
Research Papers
Mohammad Hossein Amini University of Ottawa, Shiva Nejati University of Ottawa
In-Simulation Testing of Deep Learning Vision Models in Autonomous Robotic Manipulators
Industry Showcase
Dmytro Humeniuk Polytechnique Montréal, Houssem Ben Braiek Sycodal, Thomas Reid Sycodal, Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal
LeGEND: A Top-Down Approach to Scenario Generation of Autonomous Driving Systems Assisted by Large Language Models
Research Papers
Shuncheng Tang University of Science and Technology of China, Zhenya Zhang Kyushu University, Japan, Jixiang Zhou University of Science and Technology of China, Lei Wang National University of Defense Technology, Yuan Zhou Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Yinxing Xue University of Science and Technology of China
ROCAS: Root Cause Analysis of Autonomous Driving Accidents via Cyber-Physical Co-mutation
Research Papers
Shiwei Feng Purdue University, Yapeng Ye Purdue University, Qingkai Shi Nanjing University, Zhiyuan Cheng Purdue University, Xiangzhe Xu Purdue University, Siyuan Cheng Purdue University, Hongjun Choi DGIST, Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University
The IDEA of Us: An Identity-Aware Architecture for Autonomous Systems
Journal-first Papers
Carlos Gavidia-Calderon The Alan Turing Institute, Anastasia Kordoni Lancaster University (UK), Amel Bennaceur The Open University, UK, Mark Levine Lancaster University, Bashar Nuseibeh The Open University, UK; Lero, University of Limerick, Ireland