CGO 2024
Sat 2 - Wed 6 March 2024 Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Mon 4 Mar 2024 10:20 - 10:40 at Tinto - Compilers for machine learning Chair(s): Fabrice Rastello

Loop tiling is a high-order transformation used to increase data locality and performance. While previous work has considered its application to several domains and architectures, its potential impact on energy efficiency has been largely ignored. In this work, we present an Energy-Aware Tile Size Selection Scheme (EATSS) for affine programs targeting GPUs. We automatically derive non-linear integer formulations for affine programs and use the Z3 solver to find effective tile sizes that meet architectural resource constraints, while maximizing performance and minimizing energy consumption. Our approach builds on the insight that reducing the liveness of in-cache data, together with exploiting automatic power scaling, can lead to substantial gains in performance and energy efficiency. We evaluate EATSS on NVIDIA Xavier and GA100 GPUs, and report median performance-per-Watt improvement relative to PPCG on several affine kernels. On Polybench kernels, we achieve 1.5$\times$ and 1.2$\times$ improvement and obtain up to 6.3$\times$ improvement on non-Polybench high-dimensional affine kernels.

Mon 4 Mar

Displayed time zone: London change

10:00 - 11:00
Compilers for machine learningMain Conference at Tinto
Chair(s): Fabrice Rastello University Grenoble Alpes - Inria - CNRS - Grenoble INP - LIG
A Tensor Algebra Compiler for Sparse Differentiation
Main Conference
Amir Shaikhha University of Edinburgh, Mathieu Huot University of Oxford, Shideh Hashemian University of Edinburgh
Energy-Aware Tile Size Selection for Affine Programs on GPUs
Main Conference
Malith Jayaweera Northeastern University, Martin Kong Ohio State University, Yanzhi Wang Northeastern University, David Kaeli Northeastern University
PolyTOPS: Reconfigurable and Flexible Polyhedral Scheduler
Main Conference
Gianpietro Consolaro Huawei Technologies; Mines Paris-PSL, Zhen Zhang Huawei Technologies, Harenome Razanajato Huawei Technologies, Nelson Lossing Huawei Technologies, Nassim Tchoulak Huawei Technologies, Adilla Susungi Huawei Technologies, Artur Cesar Araujo Alves Huawei Technologies, Renwei Zhang Huawei Technologies, Denis Barthou Huawei Technologies, Corinne Ancourt Mines Paris-PSL, Cédric Bastoul Huawei Technologies