CGO 2024
Sat 2 - Wed 6 March 2024 Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Wed 6 Mar 2024 12:30 - 12:50 at Tinto - Acceleration Techniques Chair(s): Amir Shaikhha

With the rapid development of deep learning models and hardware support for dense computing, the deep learning (DL) workload characteristics changed significantly from a few hot spots on compute-intensive operations to a broad range of operations scattered across the models. Accelerating a few
compute-intensive operations using the expert-tuned implementation of primitives doesn’t fully exploit the performance potential of AI hardware. Various efforts have been made to compile a full deep neural network (DNN) graph. One of the biggest challenges is to achieve high-performance tensor
compilation by generating expert-level performance code for the dense compute-intensive operations and applying compilation optimization at the scope of DNN computation graph across multiple compute-intensive operations.
We present oneDNN Graph Compiler, a tensor compiler that employs a hybrid approach of using techniques from both compiler optimization and expert-tuned kernels for high-performance code generation of the deep neural network graph. oneDNN Graph Compiler addresses unique optimization
challenges in the deep learning domain, such as low-precision computation, aggressive fusion of graph operations, optimization for static tensor shapes and memory layout, constant weight
optimization, and memory buffer reuse. Experimental results demonstrate significant performance gains over existing tensor compiler and primitives library for performance-critical DNN
computation graphs and end-to-end models on Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors.

Wed 6 Mar

Displayed time zone: London change

11:30 - 12:50
Acceleration TechniquesMain Conference at Tinto
Chair(s): Amir Shaikhha University of Edinburgh
A System-Level Dynamic Binary Translator using Automatically-Learned Translation Rules
Main Conference
Jinhu Jiang Fudan University, Chaoyi Liang Fudan University, Rongchao Dong Fudan University, Zhaohui Yang Fudan University, Zhongjun Zhou Fudan University, Wenwen Wang University of Georgia, Pen-Chung Yew University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, Weihua Zhang Fudan University
Instruction Scheduling for the GPU on the GPU
Main Conference
Ghassan Shobaki California State University, Pınar Muyan-Özçelik California State University, Josh Hutton California State University, Bruce Linck California State University, Vladislav Malyshenko California State University, Austin Kerbow Advanced Micro Devices, Ronaldo Ramirez-Ortega California State University, Vahl Scott Gordon California State University
JITSPMM: Just-in-Time Instruction Generation for Accelerated Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
Main Conference
Qiang Fu Advanced Micro Devices, Thomas B. Rolinger NVIDIA, H. Howie Huang George Washington University
oneDNN Graph Compiler: A Hybrid Approach for High-Performance Deep Learning Compilation
Main Conference
Jianhui Li Intel, Zhennan Qin Intel, Yijie Mei Intel, Jingze Cui Intel, Yunfei Song Intel, Ciyong Chen Intel, Yifei Zhang Intel, Longsheng Du Intel, Xianhang Cheng Intel, Baihui Jin Intel, Yan Zhang Intel, Jason Ye Intel, Eric Lin Intel, Dan Lavery Intel