Understanding the Role of Data in Retrospective Meetings
Retrospectives are vital for software development teams to continuously enhance their processes and teamwork. Despite the increasing availability of data generated throughout the project and software development processes, many teams do not fully utilize this information in retrospective meetings. Instead, they often rely on anecdotal insights and their memory. While some literature underscores the value of data-driven retrospectives, little attention has been given to the role data can play and the challenges of effectively incorporating data into these meetings. To address this gap, we surveyed how teams gather and use data in their retrospectives. Our findings confirm that although teams routinely collect data, they seldom employ it systematically during retrospectives. Furthermore, this study provides insights into retrospective practices by exploring barriers to data utilization, including psychological safety concerns and the disconnect between data collection and meaningful integration of data into retrospective meetings. We close by considering recommendations to mitigate these concerns and how future research might build on our paper findings.