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ICPC 2020
Mon 13 - Wed 15 July 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020
Mon 13 Jul 2020 17:06 - 17:18 at ICPC - Session 2: Quality Chair(s): Gemma Catolino

Mobile applications are major means to perform daily actions, including social and emergency connectivity. However, their usability is threatened by energy consumption that may be impacted by code smells i.e., symptoms of bad implementation and design practices. In particular, researchers derived a set of mobile-specific code smells resulting in increased energy consumption of mobile apps and removing such smells through refactoring can mitigate the problem. In this paper, we extend and revise aDoctor, a tool that we previously implemented to identify energy-related smells. On the one hand, we present and implement automated refactoring solutions to those smells. On the other hand, we make the tool completely open-source and available in Android Studio as a plugin published in the official store. The video showing the tool in action is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c2EhVXiKis

Mon 13 Jul

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

16:30 - 17:30
Session 2: QualityResearch / Tool Demonstration at ICPC
Chair(s): Gemma Catolino Delft University of Technology
How Does Incomplete Composite Refactoring Affect Internal Quality Attributes?
Ana Carla Bibiano PUC-Rio, Vinícius Soares PUC-Rio, Daniel Coutinho PUC-Rio, Eduardo Fernandes Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, João Lucas Correia Federal University of Alagoas, Kleber Tarcísio UFCG, Anderson Oliveira PUC-Rio, Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio, Rohit Gheyi Federal University of Campina Grande, Márcio Ribeiro Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil, Baldoino Fonseca , Caio Barbosa UFAL, Daniel Oliveira PUC-Rio
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An Empirical Study of Quick Remedy Commits
Fengcai Wen , Csaba Nagy Software Institute - USI, Lugano, Switzerland, Michele Lanza Universita della Svizzera italiana (USI), Gabriele Bavota Università della Svizzera italiana
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When Are Smells Indicators of Architectural Refactoring Opportunities? A Study of 50 Software Projects
Leonardo Da Silva Sousa Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Willian Oizumi PUC-Rio, Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio, Anderson Oliveira PUC-Rio, Diego Cedrim Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Carlos Lucena
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Refactoring Android-specific Energy Smells: A Plugin for Android Studio
Tool Demonstration
Emanuele Iannone University of Salerno, Fabiano Pecorelli University of Salerno, Dario Di Nucci Tilburg University, Fabio Palomba University of Salerno, Andrea De Lucia University of Salerno
Media Attached
BugVis: Commit Slicing for Defect Visualisation
Tool Demonstration
David Bowes Lancaster University, Jean Petric Lancaster University, Tracy Hall Lancaster University
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