Tue 18 - Wed 19 May 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021

In 2018 Ecopetrol started an ambitious program focused on guiding the organization towards digital transformation, this program focuses on each of the segments of the value chain, among which are upstream, midstream, dowstream and corporate areas. In this way, a digital strategy was developed based on 4 fundamentals that make it sustainable: aspiration, adoption, appropriation and sustainability.

Appropriation seeks that digital solutions positively transform the organization, workers, clients, communities, among other impacted stakeholders. For this to be possible, digital change is managed according to two approaches, behavior and competencies. In this technical approach, Ecopetrol established the adoption of 7 digital capabilities as a priority: Elastic Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics and Blockchain.

In order to achieve this goal, it is essential to know about the acceptance of the provided digital solutions because This will help Ecopetrol’s digital corporate area for identifying strengths and weaknesses and improving these systems as quickly as possible. For measuring technology acceptance, a survey was designed based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which is one of the most widely employed model of IT adoption and use. The survey was structured from questions that are measured according to a frequency scale (internally 1 to 5) and are grouped to give as a result, an index whose goal in Ecopetrol is above 4 points.

An indicator of technology acceptance of a digital solution is finally the actual use behavior and before that a behavioral intention in using a solution. This is mainly impacted by the perceived usefulness and ease of use of a solution. These two aspects are in turn positively or negatively impacted by further determinants such us Job Relevance, Output Quality, Computer Self-Efficacy and Perception of External Control among others.

The measurement of the indicator is developed jointly by the corporate appropriation team and user experience, taking into account the life cycle for the conception, development and go live of a digital solution. When one and two months have passed since the delivery of the product and after developing the activities associated with training, endomarketing and mobilization, a first adoption measurement is scheduled.

Once the measurement has been carried out, an analysis is made of the highlighted elements and those that expose an opportunity for improvement, this may include the intervention of technical teams that seek to improve the stability of the solution and strengthen the user experience. Likewise, from appropriation, new opportunities associated with training and communication can be identified and deployed.

In general, if the digital solution does not meet the customer’s expectations, this will be reflected in the survey results, which will result in a detailed plan with the product development cell to improve the solution.

Throughout 2020, 4 adoption measurements were made, which showed results in accordance with the goal established at the corporate level (26 initiatives). It is estimated that each year adjustments will be made to increase performance and improve the indices in the different solutions.

Tue 18 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

18:00 - 18:52
2B: Collaboration in Organizations, Teams and CommunitiesResearch Papers / Experience Reports & Industry Talks at ICSSP/ICGSE Room
Chair(s): Paul Clarke Dublin City University & Lero, The Irish Software Research Centre

YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCfd_a4G5NU

Timestamp-based Consistency Checking of Collaboratively Developed Engineering Artifacts
Research Papers
A: Michael Alexander Tröls Johannes Kepler University, Linz, A: Atif Mashkoor Johannes Kepler University Linz, A: Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University
Media Attached
An Empirical Investigation of Pull-Requests in Partially Distributed Teams
Research Papers
A: Viktoria Stray University of Oslo, A: Nils Brede Moe SINTEF, A: Marius Mikalsen SINTEF, A: Elin Hagen University of Oslo
Media Attached
Industry talk
Implementation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for Digital Solutions
Experience Reports & Industry Talks
A: Alexis Ocampo , A: Oscar Varila Ecopetrol, A: Karen Nataly Medina Moreno Ecopetrol
Media Attached
Hierarchical Distribution of Consistency-relevant Changes in a Collaborative Engineering Environment
Research Papers
A: Michael Alexander Tröls Johannes Kepler University, Linz, A: Atif Mashkoor Johannes Kepler University Linz, A: Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University
Media Attached

Information for Participants
Tue 18 May 2021 18:00 - 18:52 at ICSSP/ICGSE Room - 2B: Collaboration in Organizations, Teams and Communities Chair(s): Paul Clarke
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