Tue 18 - Wed 19 May 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Tue 18 May 2021 09:17 - 09:30 at ICSSP/ICGSE Room - 1B: Human Factors and Social Aspects Chair(s): Fabio Calefato

Studies over the past decade demonstrated that developers contributing to open source software systems tend to self-organize in “emerging” communities. This latent community structure has a significant impact on software quality. While several approaches address the analysis of developer interaction networks, the question of whether these emerging communities align with the developer teams working on various subsystems remains unanswered. Work on socio-technical congruence implies that people that work on the same task or artifact need to coordinate and thus communicate, potentially forming stronger interaction ties. Our empirical study of 10 open source projects revealed that developer communities change considerably across a project’s lifetime (hence implying that relevant relations between developers change) and that their alignment with subsystem developer teams is mostly low. However, subsystems teams tend to remain more stable. These insights are useful for practitioners and researchers to better understand developer interaction structure of open source systems.

Tue 18 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

09:04 - 09:56
1B: Human Factors and Social AspectsResearch Papers / Experience Reports & Industry Talks at ICSSP/ICGSE Room
Chair(s): Fabio Calefato University of Bari
TaskAllocator: A Recommendation Approach for Role-based Tasks Allocation in Agile Software Development
Research Papers
A: Saad Shafiq Johannes Kepler University, Linz, A: Atif Mashkoor Johannes Kepler University Linz, A: Christoph Mayr-Dorn Johannes Kepler University, Linz, A: Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University
Pre-print Media Attached
Do Communities in Developer Interaction Networks Align with Subsystem Developer Teams? An Empirical Study of Open Source Systems
Research Papers
A: Usman Ashraf Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, A: Christoph Mayr-Dorn Johannes Kepler University, Linz, A: Atif Mashkoor Johannes Kepler University Linz, A: Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University, A: Sebastiano Panichella Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Pre-print Media Attached
Experience report
Toward Understanding of Employee Motivation for Software InnerSourcing
Experience Reports & Industry Talks
A: Shinobu Saito NTT Software Innovation Center, A: IIMURA Yukako NTT
Media Attached
The Role of Skillset in the Determination of DevOps Implementation Strategy
Research Papers
Ruth Macarthy University of Salford, Julian Bass University of Salford
Media Attached

Information for Participants
Tue 18 May 2021 09:04 - 09:56 at ICSSP/ICGSE Room - 1B: Human Factors and Social Aspects Chair(s): Fabio Calefato
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