Thu 22 Feb 2024 14:00 - 15:30 at Room 3 - R104 - Tutorial 3
Thu 22 Feb 2024 16:00 - 18:00 at Room 3 - R104 - Tutorial 3

Information Technology (IT) has evolved from being a led-back support function to driving digital transformation for its clients. The client leadership expects IT professionals to provide their insights and valuable suggestions for the business transformation. Although business knowledge is the subject matter of the software being produced, there is no easy way to acquire business knowledge in various methodologies and frameworks related to software development. Relying on traditional ways of gaining business knowledge is subjective and requires a long cycle time. It is so because business knowledge is considered unique for different industrial domains. There are some institutes offering courses for a few of the industrial domains, but a vast majority are missed out.The lack of sufficient business knowledge in the IT professionals for the applicable industry and enterprise creates a handicap in understanding the context of the business requirements. Some methods such as business process models, product specifications, data models, and rule engines are falling short of providing knowledge at the levels required. Additionally, an IT professional needs to cater to clients from multiple different industry domains. Therefore, they can’t afford to spend years to learn about the industry domain they are serving.Domain Knowledge Framework (DKF) is an emerging framework from Knowledge Driven Development (KDD) that uses a common and structured way of representing industry and enterprise knowledge to eventually form structured project knowledge. It ensures an unambiguous understanding of the business requirement simply and pictorially. That helps streamline the further steps of execution leading to high-quality working software. Also, DKF helps to understand at a sufficient level the industry or enterprise knowledge of multiple domains in a short time. Therefore, it can enable an IT professional within a few weeks to effectively cater to clients from more than one industry.

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