Sun 18 Jun 2023 17:00 - 17:20 at Magnolia 22 - ISMM: Session 5 - Miscellaneous Chair(s): Martin Maas

Computing platforms that package multiple types of memory, each with their own performance characteristics, are quickly becoming mainstream. To operate efficiently, heterogeneous memory architectures require new data management solutions that are able to match the needs of each application with an appropriate type of memory. As the primary generators of memory usage, applications create a great deal of information that can be useful for guiding memory tiering, but the community still lacks tools to collect, organize, and leverage this information effectively. To address this gap, this work introduces a novel software framework that collects and analyzes object-level information to guide memory tiering. Using this framework, this study evaluates and compares the impact of a variety of data tiering choices, including how the system prioritizes objects for faster memory as well as the frequency and timing of migration events. The results, collected on a modern Intel platform with conventional DRAM as well as non-volatile RAM, show that guiding data tiering with object-level information can enable significant performance and efficiency benefits compared to standard hardware- and software-directed data tiering strategies.

Sun 18 Jun

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16:00 - 17:20
ISMM: Session 5 - MiscellaneousISMM 2023 at Magnolia 22
Chair(s): Martin Maas Google

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Blast from the Past: Least Expected Use (LEU) Cache Replacement with Statistical History
ISMM 2023
Sayak Chakraborti University of Rochester, Zhizhou (Chris) Zhang Uber Technologies, Noah Bertram Cornell University, Sandhya Dwarkadas University of Rochester, Chen Ding University of Rochester
OMRGx: Programmable and Transparent Out-of-Core Graph Partitioning and Processing
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Gurneet Kaur University of California, Riverside, Rajiv Gupta UC Riverside
ZipKV: In-Memory Key-Value Store with Built-In Data Compression
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Linsen Ma Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rui Xie Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Tong Zhang Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Flexible and Effective Object Tiering for Heterogeneous Memory Systems
ISMM 2023
Brandon Kammerdiener University of Tennessee, Jeffrey Zachariah McMichael University of Tennessee, Michael Jantz University of Tennessee, Kshitij Doshi Intel Corporation, Terry Jones Oak Ridge National Laboratory