Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria
Wed 18 Sep 2024 16:47 - 17:00 at EI 5 Hochenegg - Tool demos 2 Chair(s): Rohan Padhye

Autonomous vehicles (AV) aim to reduce accidents and improve fuel efficiency by leveraging Artificial Intelligence. In mixed traffic, AVs must share the roads with human drivers; thus, they must deal with humans’ unpredictable and sometimes erratic driving. Unfortunately, current AV prototypes have not yet reached these goals and have caused accidents in mixed traffic, highlighting the need for better development and testing methodologies. Current AV testing practices extensively rely on simulations. Testers define, manually or automatically, traffic scenarios and execute them in simulators to expose faults such as collisions or traffic rule violations. However, existing AV tools focus on testing single AV instances or do not consider human drivers. Consequently, they might generate many irrelevant mixed-traffic test scenarios. The Flexcrash platform addresses these issues by allowing the generation and simulation of mixed-traffic scenarios in which multiple AV instances and human drivers participate. By enabling live interactions among them, the Flexcrash platform enables testers to identify realistic critical mixed-traffic scenarios, traffic experts to create new scenarios datasets, and regulators to extend consumer testing benchmarks.

Wed 18 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

15:30 - 17:00
Tool demos 2Tool Demonstrations at EI 5 Hochenegg
Chair(s): Rohan Padhye Carnegie Mellon University
SMBugFinder: An Automated Framework for Testing Protocol Implementations for State Machine Bugs
Tool Demonstrations
Paul Fiterau-Brostean Uppsala University, Konstantinos (Kostis) Sagonas Uppsala University and Nat. Tech. Univ. of Athens, Fredrik Tåquist Uppsala University, Bengt Jonsson Uppsala University, Sweden
DOI Media Attached
FRAFOL: FRAmework FOr Learning mutation testing
Tool Demonstrations
Pedro Tavares Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Ana Paiva INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Domenico Amalfitano University of Naples Federico II, René Just University of Washington
FixCheck: A Tool for Improving Patch Correctness Analysis
Tool Demonstrations
Facundo Molina IMDEA Software Institute, Juan Manuel Copia IMDEA Software Institute; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Alessandra Gorla IMDEA Software Institute
HECS: A Hypergraph Learning-based System for Detecting Extract Class Refactoring Opportunities
Tool Demonstrations
Luqiao Wang Xidian University, Qiangqiang Wang Xidian University, Jiaqi Wang Xidian University, Yutong Zhao University of Central Missouri, Minjie Wei Xidian University, Zhou Quan Xidian University, Di Cui Xidian University, Qingshan Li Xidian University
DMMPP: Constructing Dummy Main Methods for Android Apps with Path-sensitive Predicates
Tool Demonstrations
Baoquan Cui Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Jiwei Yan Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jian Zhang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
FunRedisp: A Function Redispatch Tool to Reduce Invocation Gas Fees in Solidity Smart Contracts
Tool Demonstrations
Yunqi Liu Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Wei Song Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Media Attached
The Flexcrash Platform for Testing Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed-Traffic Scenarios
Tool Demonstrations
Alessio Gambi Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Shreya Mathews IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Shreya Mathews IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Shreya Mathews IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Shreya Mathews IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

Information for Participants
Wed 18 Sep 2024 15:30 - 17:00 at EI 5 Hochenegg - Tool demos 2 Chair(s): Rohan Padhye
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