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ECOOP and ISSTA 2018
Sun 15 - Sat 21 July 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
co-located with

Co-Located Events

ECOOP 2018 is the 32nd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. ECOOP is a programming languages conference. Its primary focus has been object-orientation, though in recent years, it has accepted quality papers over a much broader range of programming topics. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the theory, design, implementation, optimization, and analysis of programs and programming languages.
ISSTA 2018 is the 27th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. ISSTA is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems.
Curry On is a new and unusual non-profit conference focused on programming languages & emerging challenges in industry.
Sunday, July 15 Monday, July 16 Tuesday, July 17 Wednesday, July 18 Thursday, July 19 Friday, July 20 Saturday, July 21
Summer School
Curry On Doctoral Symposium
COP ICOOOLPS BenchWork Panathon SOAP
Curry On Party ISSTA Banquet Poster Reception ECOOP Banquet

Keynote Speakers at ECOOP, ISSTA, and Curry On

We are pleased to announce the following workshops:

  • COP 10th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming
  • BenchWork First Workshop on Reproducible Experiments and Benchmarking
  • DPA First Workshop on Declarative Program Analysis
  • FTfJP 20th Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs
  • ICOOOLPS 13th Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems Workshop
  • INTUITESTBEDS 4th Workshop on User Interface Test Automation, and 8th Workshop on TESting Techniques for event BasED Software.
  • ISAGT Introspective Systems for Automatically Generating Tests
  • ML4PL 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Programming Languages
  • Panathon Program analysis hackathon
  • SALAD First International Workshop on SoftwAre debLoating And Delayering 

  • SOAP 7th International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis
  • TAV-CPS/IoT Testing, Analysis, and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things
  • VORTEX Runtime verification Workshop
  • WoSSCA First International Workshop on Speculative Side Channel Analysis