Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria

ISSTA and ECOOP are leading research conferences on programming languages, software testing, and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experiences on how to develop, test, and analyze software systems.

We rely on sponsorship to help us keep the registration costs affordable for students and international attendees. We are grateful for sponsors’ support of our community. Many sponsorship options are available. As a sponsor, you can combine standard packages and custom options and you may also suggest another form of sponsorship that meets your organization’s needs and policies better than the ones we suggest below:

Packages       Diamond             Platinum             Gold             Silver             Bronze      
Contribution amount 20,000 EUR 15,000 EUR 10,000 EUR 5,000 EUR 3,000 EUR
Complimentary registrations 5 4 3 2 1
Logo on the web page Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Promotional video or job ads on the web page Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exhibition(*) at registration desk Yes Yes Yes
Logo on student-volunteer shirts Yes Yes Yes
Exhibition(*) at receptions Yes Yes
Acknowledgement at opening Yes Yes
Logo on conference bags Yes

(*): Exhibition is a roll-up-banner 80cmx200cm.

To determine the sponsorship options and amounts, please contact the sponsorship co-chairs. We can also collaborate on a custom sponsorship model. Please let us know about your pledge amount and any associated conditions.


Questions? Use the ISSTA/ECOOP Sponsorship contact form.