MoDALAS: Model-Driven Assurance for Learning-Enabled Autonomous Systems
Increasingly, safety-critical systems include artificial intelligence and machine learning components (i.e., Learning-Enabled Components (LECs)). However, when behavior is learned in a training environment that fails to fully capture real-world phenomena, the response of an LEC to untrained phenomena is uncertain, and therefore cannot be assured as safe. Automated methods are needed for self-assessment and adaptation to decide when learned behavior can be trusted. This work introduces a model-driven approach to manage self-adaptation of a Learning-Enabled System (LES) to account for run-time contexts for which the learned behavior of LECs cannot be trusted. The resulting framework enables an LES to monitor and evaluate goal models at run time to determine whether or not LECs can be expected to meet functional objectives. Using this framework enables stakeholders to have more confidence that LECs are used only in contexts comparable to those validated at design time.
Wed 13 OctDisplayed time zone: Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo change
10:00 - 11:00 | Certification and Assurance ITechnical Papers at Room 1 Chair(s): Tao Yue Simula Research Laboratory | ||
10:00 20mFull-paper | A Lean Approach to Building Valid Model-Based Safety ArgumentsFT Technical Papers Torin Viger , Logan Murphy , Alessio Di Sandro , Ramy Shahin University of Toronto, Marsha Chechik University of Toronto | ||
10:20 20mFull-paper | MoDALAS: Model-Driven Assurance for Learning-Enabled Autonomous SystemsFT Technical Papers Michael Langford , Kenneth Chan , Jonathon Fleck , Philip McKinley , Betty H.C. Cheng Michigan State University | ||
10:40 20mTalk | Graphical Composite Modeling and Simulation for Multi-aircraft Collision AvoidanceJ1ST Technical Papers |