Sun 22 - Fri 27 September 2024 Linz, Austria
Tue 24 Sep 2024 09:22 - 09:45 at HS 19 - Industry Session 2

Continuous integration is the most advanced configuration management methodology in software development. Every released change to the source code is continuously merged in a repository and then automatically checked, created, tested and packaged on a build server. This ensures that the developed software is always tested and executable. LieberLieber LemonTree allows the continuous integration method to be used in the world of modeling for the first time. Similar to traditional software development, team members can work on different areas of a model in a distributed and time-delayed manner and contribute their changes. LemonTree Automation then merges the individual versions on the build server (e.g. Jenkins) into an integrated model version without any user interaction. Only in complex conflict cases, i.e. when contradictory changes to the same model element occur, are the affected users notified and must resolve these conflicts manually with LemonTree. This increases the quality of model reviews and also allows automated model validation for defined criterias.

Tue 24 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

09:00 - 10:30
Industry Session 2Industry Days at HS 19
Industry talk
Bridging the Validation Gap: Next-Level Model Governance in Digital-Twin Engineering
Industry Days
Industry talk
Continuous integration of models using LemonTree
Industry Days
Industry talk
LionWeb – Language Interfaces on the Web
Industry Days
Industry talk
MBSE and BIM: Interdisciplinary Strategies for Enhancing Value in the Digital Transformation of the AEC Industry
Industry Days
Maximilian Billmaier Geoconsult ZT GmbH, Jounes-Alexander Gross Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Elias Bader FH Salzburg, Josef Ressel Center for Dependable System-of-Systems Engineering