Sun 22 - Fri 27 September 2024 Linz, Austria

At F1RE we see everything as modeling languages and their models. We use modern language workbenches to engineer such languages and leverage them using various translations and generations. We see a valuable opportunity in treating gathered requirements as a modeling language. In software development process, creating requirements and design documentation take a lot of work and capture valuable domain knowledge communicated by the system stakeholders and engineers teams. This knowledge can be enhanced if we capture it in the form of a domain specific language (DSL). A DSL makes the hard process of getting the single source of truth more easy. The DSL tooling provides feedback on the descriptions of the requirements and helps to identify inconsistencies in them. The communication loop triggered by this tooling feedback helps to clarify gaps in the common knowledge and to achieve its clear understanding by all involved stakeholders. Moreover, using a DSL we can transform our domain knowledge into other modeling languages, in order to visualize and edit it in various notations, analyze its properties, check constraints, simulate and debug its behaviors, generate automatic testing support for the resulting implementation and many more. In other words, we can adapt the company’s specific situation to many different tools and formats.