Sun 22 - Fri 27 September 2024 Linz, Austria
Mon 23 Sep 2024 14:00 - 14:30 at Crash Bandicoot - Session Modelling Language Aspects

There is a high demand for low code development environments, whether it is to accelerate application development in a highly technical setting or for end users to personalize a device. According to market intelligence provider IDC in January 2023, the market is expected to experience a 17.8% annual growth from 2021 to 2026, with projected revenues reaching up to $21 billion. Low code serves as an abstraction to traditional programming languages, resembling a modeling language. Various proprietary notations have been developed specifically for low code development, although they lack standardization, portability, and reusability, often necessitating some level of training. This study delves into the characteristics of low code notations and explores whether established standard modeling languages like SDL or BPMN could serve as viable alternatives through simple practical use cases.

Mon 23 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

14:00 - 15:30
Session Modelling Language AspectsSAM Conference at Crash Bandicoot
Experimenting low code with SDL and BPMN
SAM Conference
Emmanuel Gaudin PragmaDev
A Multi-Platform Specification Language and Dataset for the Analysis of DevOps Pipelines
SAM Conference
Manas Manoj Bedekar McGill University, Gunter Mussbacher McGill University
From Transpilers to Semantic Libraries: Formal Verification With Pluggable Semantics
SAM Conference
Ármin Zavada Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Kristóf Marussy Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Vince Molnár Budapest University of Technology and Economics