Sun 22 - Fri 27 September 2024 Linz, Austria
Wed 25 Sep 2024 11:06 - 11:24 at HS 1 - Foundations (1) Chair(s): Sebastian Götz

Writing declarative models has numerous benefits, ranging from automated reasoning and correction of design-level properties before systems are built to automated testing and debugging of their implementations after they are built. Unfortunately, the model itself needs to be correct to gain these benefits. Alloy is a commonly used modeling language that has several existing efforts to repair faulty models automatically. Currently, these efforts are search-based methods that use an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of the model and do not scale. One issue is that ASTs themselves suffer from exponential growth in their data size due to the limitation that ASTs will often have identical nodes separately listed in the tree. To address this issue, we introduce a novel code representation schema, Complex Structurally Balanced Abstract Semantic Graph (CSBASG), which represents code as a complex-weighted directed graph that lists a semantic element as a node in the graph and ensures its structural balance for almost finitely enumerable code segments. We evaluate the efficiency of our CSBASG representation for Alloy models in terms of it’s compactness compared to ASTs, and we explore if a CSBASG can ease the process of comparing two Alloy predicates. Moreover, with this representation in place, we identify several future applications of CSBASG, including Alloy code generation and automated repair.

Wed 25 Sep

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10:45 - 12:30
Foundations (1)Technical Track / Journal-First at HS 1
Chair(s): Sebastian Götz Technische Universität Dresden
Partial Bidirectionalization of Model Transformation LanguagesFT
Technical Track
Soichiro Hidaka Hosei University, Massimo Tisi IMT Atlantique, LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004)
AlloyASG: Alloy Predicate Code Representation as a Compact Structurally Balanced GraphFTVISION
Technical Track
Guanxuan Wu University of Texas at Arlington, Allison Sullivan University of Texas at Arlington
Fault localization in DSLTrans model transformations by combining symbolic execution and spectrum-based analysis
Bentley Oakes Polytechnique Montréal, Javier Troya Universidad de Málaga, Spain, Jessie Galasso-Carbonnel McGill University, Manuel Wimmer JKU Linz
Link to publication DOI
Extensions and Scalability Experiments of a Generic Model-Driven Architecture for Variability Model ReasoningPT
Technical Track
Camilo Correa Restrepo University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, Jacques Robin ESIEA, Paris, France, Raul Mazo
Model Everything but with Intellectual Property Protection—The Deltachain ApproachFTVISION
Technical Track