Sun 22 - Fri 27 September 2024 Linz, Austria

The research field of conceptual modelling identifies models as artefacts describing a real or proposed system on an abstraction level adequate for a given purpose. To fully utilize the value of models, a modelling method and a corresponding tool must be created, which is no easy undertaking. This tutorial introduces the open-source metamodelling platform ADOxx as a way to ease the creation of modelling tools. It will show in a hands-on manner how ADOxx can be used to implement modelling tools and corresponding model processing functionality to increase model value, allowing users to process, transform or execute the models. Therefore, models cannot only be used within the modelling tool but can be used to interact with and control other information systems or smart devices. To provide insight into the possibilities of model processing, the Bee-Up tool will be introduced as an ADOxx best practice. The scenarios used in the tutorial stem from established teaching cases and from the EU-funded FAIRWork project. The tutorial will provide a theoretical background in metamodelling and metamodelling platforms, showing what is under the hood of the processing functionality. Afterwards, the theoretical concepts will be applied in a hands-on manner during the tutorial.