SANER 2024
Tue 12 - Fri 15 March 2024 Rovaniemi , Finland
Wed 13 Mar 2024 15:15 - 15:30 at LAPPI - API and Dependency Analysis Chair(s): Martin Monperrus

Third-party libraries are a cornerstone of fast application development. To enable efficient use, libraries must provide a well-designed API. An obscure API instead slows down the learning process and can lead to erroneous use.

The usual approach to improve the API of a library is to edit its code directly, either keeping the old API but deprecating it (temporarily increasing the API size) or dropping it (introducing breaking changes). If maintainers are unwilling to make such changes, others need to create a hard fork, which they can refactor. But then it is difficult to incorporate changes to the original library, such as bug fixes or performance improvements.

In this paper, we instead explore the use of the adapter pattern to provide a new API as a new library that calls the original library internally. This allows the new library to leverage all implementation changes to the original library, at no additional cost. We call this approach adaptoring. To make the approach practical, we identify API transformations for which adapter code can be generated automatically, and investigate which transformations can be inferred automatically, based on the documentation and usage patterns of the original library. For cases where automated inference is not possible, we present a tool that lets developers manually specify API transformations. Finally, we consider the issue of migrating the generated adapters if the original library introduces breaking changes. We implemented our approach for Python, demonstrating its effectiveness to quickly provide an alternative API even for large libraries.

Wed 13 Mar

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14:00 - 15:30
API and Dependency AnalysisResearch Papers / Reproducibility Studies and Negative Results (RENE) Track at LAPPI
Chair(s): Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology
The Limits of the Identifiable: Challenges in Python Version Identification with Deep Learning
Reproducibility Studies and Negative Results (RENE) Track
Marcus Gerhold University of Twente, The Netherlands, Lola Solovyeva University of Twente, Vadim Zaytsev University of Twente, Netherlands
Exploring Dependencies Among Inconsistencies to Enhance the Consistency Maintenance of Models
Research Papers
Luciano Marchezan Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University, Edvin Herac , Saad Shafiq University of Southern California, Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University Linz
BUMP: A Benchmark of Reproducible Breaking Dependency Updates
Research Papers
Frank Reyes Garcia KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Yogya Gamage KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Gabriel Skoglund KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Benoit Baudry KTH, Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology
APIGen: Generative API Method Recommendation
Research Papers
Yujia Chen Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, Cuiyun Gao Harbin Institute of Technology, Muyijie Zhu Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, Qing Liao Harbin Institute of Technology, Yong Wang Anhui Polytechnic University, Guoai Xu Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
A Multi-Metric Ranking with Label Correlations Approach for Library Migration Recommendations
Research Papers
Jiancheng Zhang SouthWest Petroleum University, Peng Wu Sichuan Tourism University, Qin Luo Southwest Petroleum University
Adaptoring: Adapter Generation to Provide an Alternative API for a Library
Research Papers
Lars Reimann University of Bonn, Günter Kniesel-Wünsche University of Bonn