SANER 2024
Tue 12 - Fri 15 March 2024 Rovaniemi , Finland
Thu 14 Mar 2024
Fri 15 Mar 2024
SANER Early Research Achievement (ERA) Track
SANER Industrial Track
SANER Journal First Track
SANER Reproducibility Studies and Negative Results (RENE) Track
SANER Research Papers
SANER Short Papers and Posters Track
SANER Tools Demo Track
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Thu 14 Mar

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11:00 - 12:30
Software Testing and Debugging IEarly Research Achievement (ERA) Track / Industrial Track at KURU
Chair(s): Sigrid Eldh Ericsson AB, Mälardalen University, Carleton Unviersity
Navigating Confidentiality in Test Automation: A Case Study in LLM Driven Test Data Generation
Industrial Track
Hrishikesh Karmarkar TCS Research, Supriya Agrawal Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Avriti Chauhan Synopsys, Pranav Shete TCS Research
PatchBert: Continuous Stable Patch Identification for Linux Kernel via Pre-trained Model Fine-tuning
Industrial Track
Liu Rongkai Central South University, Heyuan Shi Central South University, Yongchao Zhang Alibaba, Runzhe Wang Alibaba Group, Yuheng Shen Tsinghua University, Yuao Chen Alibaba, Jing Luo Central South University, Xiaohai Shi Alibaba Group, Chao Hu Central South University, Yu Jiang Tsinghua University
RADig-X: a Tool for Regressions Analysis of User Digital Experience
Industrial Track
Federico Di Menna University of L'Aquila, Vittorio Cortellessa University of L'Aquila, Maurizio Lucianelli MICRON, Luca Sardo MICRON, Luca Traini University of L'Aquila
CEDAR: Continuous Testing of Deep Learning Libraries
Industrial Track
Danning Xie Purdue University, Jiannan Wang Purdue University, Hung Viet Pham York University, Lin Tan Purdue University, Yu Guo Meta Inc., Adnan Aziz Meta Inc., Erik Meijer Facebook
11:00 - 12:30
Alternating between Surrogate Model Construction and Search for Configurations of an Autonomous Delivery System
Industrial Track
Chin-Hsuan Sun National Taiwan University, Thomas Laurent Lero@Trinity College Dublin, Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics , Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics
SHREC: a SRE Behaviour Knowledge Graph Model for Shell Command Recommendations
Industrial Track
Andrea Tonon Huawei Ireland Research Center, Bora Caglayan Huawei Ireland Research Center, Hu Peng Huawei Nanjing Research Center, Mingxue Wang Huawei Ireland Research Center, Fei Shen Huawei Nanjing Research Center, Puchao Zhang Huawei Ireland Research Center
14:00 - 15:30
Defect Prediction and Analysis IIResearch Papers / Industrial Track / Reproducibility Studies and Negative Results (RENE) Track at KURU
Chair(s): Masud Rahman Dalhousie University
Online Contrastive Learning for Business Fault Root Cause Localization Based on Incident Tickets
Industrial Track
Xiaosong Huang Peking university, Hongyi Liu Peking university, Yifan Wu Peking University, Yujin Zhao Peking university, Changlong Wu Alibaba Group, Songlin Zhang Alibaba Group, Ling Jiang Alibaba Group, Tong Jia Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Peking University, Beijing, China, Ying Li School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China, Zhonghai Wu Peking University

Fri 15 Mar

Displayed time zone: Athens change

11:00 - 12:30
From Refactoring to Migration: a Quality-Driven Strategy for Microservices Adoption
Industrial Track
Roberta Capuano University of L'Aquila, Italy, Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy, Fabio Vaccaro BIM Italia
11:00 - 12:30
Mining Software RepositoriesResearch Papers / Industrial Track at LAPPI
Chair(s): Mika Mäntylä University of Helsinki and University of Oulu
Understanding and Improving Change Risk Detection in Practice
Industrial Track
Yifan Wu Peking University, Yunpeng Wang Ant Group, Jianguo Li Ant Group, Ying Li School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China, Bingxu Chai Ant Group, Wei Jiang
16:00 - 17:00
Managing Workflows and PeopleReproducibility Studies and Negative Results (RENE) Track / Industrial Track at KURU
Chair(s): Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon University
PIPELINEASCODE: A CI/CD Workflow Management System through Configuration Files at ByteDance
Industrial Track
Xianhao Jin, Yifei Feng ByteDance, Chen Wang ByteDance, Yongning Hu ByteDance, Yufei Gao ByteDance, Kun Xia ByteDance, Yang Liu ByteDance, Luchuan Guo ByteDance
Practical Software Development: Leveraging AI for Precise Cost Estimation in Lump-Sum EPC Projects
Industrial Track
Rimma Dzhusupova McDermott, Mina Ya-Alimadad McDermott, Vasil Shteriyanov McDermott, Jan Bosch Chalmers University of Technology, Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University

Accepted Papers

Alternating between Surrogate Model Construction and Search for Configurations of an Autonomous Delivery System
Industrial Track
CEDAR: Continuous Testing of Deep Learning Libraries
Industrial Track
From Refactoring to Migration: a Quality-Driven Strategy for Microservices Adoption
Industrial Track
Navigating Confidentiality in Test Automation: A Case Study in LLM Driven Test Data Generation
Industrial Track
Online Contrastive Learning for Business Fault Root Cause Localization Based on Incident Tickets
Industrial Track
PatchBert: Continuous Stable Patch Identification for Linux Kernel via Pre-trained Model Fine-tuning
Industrial Track
PIPELINEASCODE: A CI/CD Workflow Management System through Configuration Files at ByteDance
Industrial Track
Practical Software Development: Leveraging AI for Precise Cost Estimation in Lump-Sum EPC Projects
Industrial Track
RADig-X: a Tool for Regressions Analysis of User Digital Experience
Industrial Track
SHREC: a SRE Behaviour Knowledge Graph Model for Shell Command Recommendations
Industrial Track
Understanding and Improving Change Risk Detection in Practice
Industrial Track

Call For Paper

The 31th edition of the International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER’24) will again feature an Industry track. The aim of this track is to bring together practitioners and researchers for an exchange of ideas, problems, and results. It provides a platform for people in industry and academia to interact with one another. The papers in the Industry track follow the general topics specified in the SANER 2024 research track.


We are seeking two types of submissions:

-Full papers. Full papers address industrially-relevant problems by conducting systematic evaluations and/or investigations. A good industry paper can present industrial practice and experience reports describing problems (and their solutions) encountered in real applications, describe the challenges involved in the knowledge transfer from academia to industry and vice-versa for real projects, and discuss a challenging problem currently occurring in industry, for which practitioners want feedback and/or inputs from the academic community.

Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted papers will be asked to complete an IEEE Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready versions. At least one author of each paper is expected to present the results at the SANER 2024 conference. All accepted contributions will be published in the conference electronic proceedings.

-Talk Proposals. Talks represent extended abstracts that report on topics that are interesting to both practitioners and researchers. Talk proposals should include the title, the name, and affiliation of the presenter, a short abstract and up to 5 keywords. Furthermore, the proposal should describe the content of the talk, highlighting the key points to be discussed and the reasons why these are relevant for the SANER community. The talk proposals can include supporting materials like whitepapers or videos. Authors of accepted proposals will be asked to register and present the talk at the conference. Talk proposals will not be added to the conference proceedings.

We welcome submissions from both practitioners and researchers. Research-driven submissions should be distinguished from research track submissions by richness in industrial data or by focusing on industrial cases. Practitioner-driven submissions may focus on specific cases or applications: unlike the research-driven ones, these submissions do not require the same degree of generalizability.

Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee of the Industry Track, and they will be evaluated on the basis of industry relevance, originality, soundness, empirical and-or practical validation, quality and consistency of presentation.

Submission Instructions

Full papers: Submissions should be at most ten pages (including all text, appendices, and figures) + two pages for references and conform to the IEEE Proceedings style (i.e., the same used from the main SANER conference).

Talk Proposals. Submissions should be at most two pages (including all text, references, appendices, and figures) (i.e., the same used from the main SANER conference).

All submissions have to be written exclusively in English. Submissions must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere.

Papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically through Easy Chair.

Important note: the Industrial track of SANER 2024 DOES NOT FOLLOW a full double-blind review process.

Important Dates

-Abstract submission deadline: November 13, 2023 AoE

-Paper submission deadline: November 20, 2023 AoE

-Notifications: December 22, 2023 AoE

-Camera Ready: January 19, 2024 AoE
